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Q: What similarities and differences do you find among Muslims for Islamic states and also state what are the reasons for the differences?
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What were the reasons and consequences of the 19th century Islamic reform movements in west Africa?

There are three reasons and consequences of the 19th century Islamic reform movements in West Africa. One is African kings that have Muslim that are separated, the second is African blends Islam with the population and the third is African Muslims tries to get rid of societies mix practices.

Did Hitler fight the Jews on behalf of Islam.?

No. Hitler did not fight the Jews for any Islamic reasons. However, he had no issues or problems with bringing Muslims into the SS divisions to help promulgate the Holocaust.

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Muslims are known through times to be the most open and tolerant religion. During the persecution of Jews by Christians at med evil times. Jews only sanctuary was amongst Muslims in Islamic nations. That is one of the reasons that there are so many "Arab Jews" in the world.

Why do people often ask about Islamic terrorism?

Simply put, while people certainly do ask about other forms of terrorism in addition to Islamic terrorism, people ask about Islamic terrorism for several major reasons: (1) its relative commonness, (2) the amount of media coverage given to Islamic terrorism, (3) a curiosity to understand the enemy, (4) selective attention making Muslims feel more under attack (Muslims typically are not reading questions about Hindu Terrorism), and (5) a general annoyance that most Muslims do not say anything useful concerning terrorism or why it occurs in Islam. They often prefer to use tu quoque logical fallacies (which is the fallacy of "you are just a bad as us"), no true Scotsman logical fallacies (which is the fallacy or "they are not 'real' Muslims"), and arguments that "non-Muslims just do not understand" while not explaining anything that would actually provide such understanding.

Did Mizrahi Jews and Arabs intermarry?

The general historical narrative from both the Mizrahi Jewish and Arab Muslim communities is that there was not a high degree of intermarriage between Jews and Muslims during the period of the Islamic Empires and the overwhelming occurrences of such intermarriage were of Jewish women marrying Muslim women, resulting in Muslim families (since the Islamic Empires were governed by Islamic Law that holds that any children of a Muslim father are Muslims). The DNA evidence is ambiguous on this for three major reasons: (1) Most Arabs in the Levant, Iraq, and Northern Africa, where the largest populations of Jews were, were not ethnically homogenous with each other or with the Arabian Arabs. Since most were descended from the Pre-Islamic Semitic civilizations, they would naturally bear more genetic similarities to the Jews who were local Semites as well. (2) A large number of Jews converted to Islam and took on the Arab identity in order to avoid additional taxation and gain the right to government participation, so we would expect a large number of Arab Muslims to share genetics with Mizrahi Jews. (3) The similarities are what we would expect if the historical narrative was correct and if the historical narrative was incorrect, giving us no new information.

Where are islamic countries located and why they are located in this part of world?

The Islam Countries are mainly located in Asia, and some can be found in Africa. No one actually knows why they are located in this part of the world, but I would say that they were considered sacred because maybe the prophets had set foot and travelled from Arabia to this land to give them the message, to tell them to worship Allah...maybe these countries think that they are Islamic because of these reasons? I am a Muslim myself, but I don't really know the correct answer. I'm only a kid._______________________________________________________________In the continents of Asia and Africa and some parts of EuropeThere are two main reasons why Islamic countries became Islamic countries. A great number of them (especially those in North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans, and South Asia) became Muslim-majority countries because they were conquered and ruled by successive Islamic Governments. In these countries, the citizens converted to Islam because of its spiritual benefits, but also because of better employment opportunities for Muslims, better living arrangements for Muslims, and lower taxes for Muslims. There are other Muslim-majority countries (especially in West Africa, East Africa, and Indonesia) that became Islamic due to the trade routes. Muslim merchants met non-Muslims and introduced the non-Muslims to Islam. In many cases, it took and resulted in the establishment of Islamic States outside of the areas that had been conquered by Islamic Armies.Recently, since World War II, the greatest growth of Islam (in national percentages) is happening in Europe, where Muslims are immigrating to in search of economic opportunities not present in their own countries. If this trend continues, Europe will become Islamic not due to conquest or due to proselytization but due to demographic shifts.

What are the similarities and differences in the French and Haitian Revolutions?

Similarities: spurred for similar reasons by natural rights, restricted liberty, representation and enlightenment ideas. Both had a large gap between the rich and the poor. Differences: racial issues, economic stability, social systems were different, the slaves in Haiti revolted for freedom and independence while the French revolted for a new order system, social and economic changes.

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The Muslims had been pushed out of Spain by 1498 for several reasons. For one, the Roman Catholic church felt the Muslims had too much power on the Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, the Moors were shaping Spain in the image of a greater Arabia. In fact, there were several Mosques and Islamic architecture that replaced traditional Spanish buildings and residential establishments. Due to the dominance of the Muslims Moors, the Spanish united in an effort to oust them from their soil.

Why do some people hate Muslims so much?

There will always be people that hate some groups. It can be for any number of reasons. Misunderstanding, differences of opinion, past history with someone from the group, or any number of other reasons... There are people that hate Christians, Muslims, Atheists, any number of races and religions... There is no way of narrowing down why people in general are hateful. Like any emotion, it is pretty individualized.

What polices would you propose to reduce radical ethnic strife in the US?

Everyone will have their own answers and reasons, but I would propose focusing on the similarities and positives, and what brings people together, rather than on the differences, negatives, and what divides people.