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These fish grow quite large (around 10 inches or more). As Tropicals they should be kept at around 70F to 78F and be in a well filtered tank of at least 48" x 18" x 18" dimensions. (Bigger is much better)

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Q: What size tank should you have for a red devil cichlid?
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Can a jaguar cichlid be housed with a red devil?

I suggest no, because I personally own a red devil cichlid. Known for their extremely intelligent and aggressive behavior, one red devil should have a 50 gallon tank all to its own. My personal experiences show that a red devil is able to kill all sorts of cichlids, some being even larger than itself.

What size tank does a pregnant cichlid need?

All Cichlids are egg layers and so don't get pregnant.

Can a red zebra cichlid live with an electric yellow cichlid?

Yes they can... but I was with the most Mbuna, they cannot be kept in pairs.

Can clown knife fish go with firemouth cichlid?

It is possible if the tank is sufficient in size and provides enough territories and enclosures.

What species of African cichlid should never be put in the same tank?

There are many. Far too many to list here.

How can you stop your Midas cichlid and Devil cichlid from fighting?

best is to either split them up, or add more fish to spread the aggression. Just dont have more fish than your tank can handle.. if I recall off the top of my head, you need 1 gallon of water, per 1 inch of fish

Can an over 5 inch jaguar cichlid live comfortably in a ten gallon tank because otherwise she'll attack the fish in my other 35 gallon hexagon tank or should I just give her to a pet store?

I would advise you to get rid of the Jaguar cichlid (Parachromis managuensis). These fish grow too big for a 10gal tank.

What fish can be kept in the same tank as catfish?

I have an Oscar Cichlid in the same tank as mine and I also used to have it with guppy's.

How long does it take for a convict cichlid to be fully grown?

Around 1.5 to 2 years. Also worth noting is the final length is highly dependent upon tank size.

How big is a mbuna cichlid?

Mbuna cichlids will grow as large as their tank allows them to, just like other captive fish. The Mbuna cichlid comes in several varieties.

What other Fish can you put in cichlid tank?

other cichlids or other aggressive fish

How do you know if a red devil fish is male or female?

When the Red Devil Cichlid (Amphilophus labiatum (in USA) and A.citrinellum (in Australia)) reach maturity, in both species, the males develop a hump on their forehead. I do hope you realise that these fish grow up to 18 inches long and therefore require a very large tank.