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I'd think a Ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus). Normally the ring is yellow, but I know a few localities have a reddish ring. They are rear-fanged venomous (opisthoglyphous), as are many Colubrids, but their venom is largely ineffective on humans and poses no severe threats. Plus, because they are rear fanged, they would have to "chew" their venom into you. In short, harmless.

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Q: What snake is black with red ring around neck in southern CA?
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That picture is of a prairie ringkneck snake. Goto google and search ringkneck snake.

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It's called(Diadophis punctatus) Or a Ringneck as most people call it.

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it is called a southern ringneck snake and no they are not poisonous. they grow to be around 6-10 inches. sot the one you found was a baby. here is a link where you can read about it and view some pictures of it

What kind of snake has a red ring around its neck and lives in Oklahoma?

that's a northern ringneck snake