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the rapid soical and economic changes

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Q: What societal changes seem to account for the refocusing of welfare resources at the end of the 19th century?
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Spain's northern colonies in the seventeenth century are best described as?

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The communitarian movement flourished in the early nineteenth century as a response to societal issues such as industrialization and social inequalities. Communitarians aimed to prove that communal living could provide a more equitable and harmonious way of life. However, most communitarian experiments failed due to internal conflicts, financial instability, and limited resources, which made sustaining these communities challenging.

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Socialists tried to achieve their objectives in Britain, France, and Germany in the last half of the 19th century by promoting the worldly ideal of a system of societal equality.

What resources came from south africa in the 1800's?

The principal resources were agricultural products until both Diamonds and Gold were discovered in the later part of the century.

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Spices (to preserve food), gold, territory (to extract natural resources).

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What time period was the slingshot created?

The slingshot was said to be created within the nineteenth and twentieth century - some resources say that it was first invented in the 12th-14th century. :-) :-0