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Q: What sort of nutrient is cholesterol?
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Is cholesterol a nutrient?

Yes, it is. Very important one too.

Which nutrient affects the amount of cholesterol found in the body?

Total cholesterol includes the good, or HDL, High Density LipoProtein, and the bad, LDL, Low Density Lipoprotein. A few things affect the total number. Saturated Fat, fat found in animal products (and coconut and palm oils), and cholesterol, only found in animal products, affect the total cholesterol.

What sort of diets should I consider to help me with lowering my cholesterol?

A good way to lower cholesterol is by consuming foods that are high in fiber, such as whole-wheat bread. Nuts as well as fish meat are also good methods of combatting high cholesterol levels.

What sort of foods are designed to lower cholesterol?

When choosing foods for lowering cholesterol levels, healthy choices include almost any fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains and any lean proteins.

When leaves turn into compost what is produced?

What is produced is leaf mould, a fibrous, nutrient rich compost much sort after by gardeners.

Do coconut water increase bad cholesterol?

There is limited research on the direct effect of coconut water on cholesterol levels. Coconut water is low in fat and cholesterol and contains potassium and antioxidants, which may have some cardiovascular benefits. However, if you have concerns about your cholesterol levels, it is best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Does spinach have high cholesterol?

No, a serving has about 29 mg sodium, while that same serving has about 299 mg potassium. (Potassium is sort of the antagonist to sodium in the human body.)

What type of foods should you stay away from when im on a low cholesterol diet?

When you are on a low cholesterol diet, there are many foods that you need to avoid. You should avoid animal meats, dairy, any sort of toppings, and processed food.

Is to much fiber bad for you?

Yes, but fiber may a bad thing in general. We know that it cripples nutrient absorption for instance, because of the phytic acid content.Fiber claim to fame rides with it's cholesterol lowering, low glycemic features. Recent findings report that lowering total cholesterol is not as effective as increasing "good" cholesterol and decreasing "bad". E.g Targeting a high HDL and low VLDL is better than lowering total cholesterol. High total cholesterol is important in so much as it's an general indicator for high "bad" cholesterol. Cholesterol particle size (bouyant LDL particle) is a better indicator of health. Glycemic Index theory fails to explain healthy cultures on high GI diets——heavy rice and root tuber (i.e. potatoes) eating cultures. High GI foods seem to only be a problem in the insulin insensitive. Another negative of fiber is how it slows carbohydrate digestion. Which contributes to endogenous AGE accumulation in the blood——inflammation.

Is there such a thing as "no cholesterol" foods?

Cholesterol is only found on animal fats. Although viewed as an evil nutrient since the 1930s, we've known that not to be the case since the 1970s. Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D and to the sex hormones, and if your diet doesn't have enough cholesterol in it, your body makes more of it. Trans fats, produced by artificially hydrogenating vegetable fats and oils, is actually responsible for much of the cancer and heart disease blamed on cholesterol - and as the body has no use for trans fats, using lard and extra virgin olive oil is much safer than vegetable oils and shortenings that often are hydrogenated.

Where can I find a high cholesterol diet plan?

Well, the best thing to do is eat nutrient rich food. Try leafy green vegetables and grains, as well as nuts ans seeds plus soy milk versus regular milks. A great site is;