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Q: What spores can survive in cold conditions?
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What characteristics of some spores allows them to survive in unfavorable conditions?

by forming endospheres

How do spores survive unfavourable conditions?

Fungi survive in unfavorable conditions by parasitism.Parasitism means an ability of an animal to obtain nutrients from other animals by using them as hosts. Also Fungi have the ability to survive in climatic extremes and in long periods of drought, because they have been specially designed to be resilient.

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How can a polar bear survive in cold conditions?

With their blubber and fur.

What is the function of the spores?

Spores are like the seeds in flowering trees and conifers except they are smaller and many thousand can be released in one spore sac. The spores enable a plant to grow again but only ferns, mosses and liverworts have spores.

Can fungi survive in cold environment?

They form spores that fall out of the plant and are inactive forms, rather like seeds, and can withstand the dry and/or cold conditions until things warm up, when they come back to life, as it were

What adaptations do German Shepherds have to survive?

rottweilers can survive in most enviorments but due to their short coats are not suited to cold conditions

Why aren't mushrooms everywhere if they create thousands of spores?

Not all of the spores survive.

How do southern elephant seals survive the freezing cold conditions in Antarctica?

They have lots of blubber to protect them self from the freezing conditions

How does a penguin's body enable it to survive in extremely cold and harsh conditions?

cause it has a thick layer of coat that protects it from the cold.

What special defenses do spores and capsules have?

Bacteria can form capsules and spores. A capsule is a protective layer around some bacteria. They can be virulent as they can resist the body's defence mechanism. Bacteria can change into bacterial spores when the environmental conditions are unfavourable. In this condition bacteria are inactive. When the environmental conditions become more suitable the bacteria can become active and cause disease. Bacterial spores are extremely resistant and can survive most forms of disinfection and inadequate sterilisation

Can you give 2 examples sentence using survive in?

The conditions were extremely cold but they managed to survive their climb. Endangered animals will survive if the correct actions are taken.