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Q: What stage can we stop the process of swallowing a bolus of food?
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Which stage can we stop the process of swallowing a bolus of food?

Only while it is still in the mouth.

During which stage can we stop the process of swallowing a bolus of food?

voluntary oral stage

How does swallowing helps to digest foods?

The only role swallowing plays in digestion is propulsion of food bolus to the stomach.

What is it called when food is going down the esophagus?

The chewed up lump of food is known as a bolus.

What do you call the rounded mass of food prepared by the mouth fr swallowing?

its still called food.

Why does saliva added to your food?

Saliva is needed for the initial step in the digestion process and the swallowing of food.

What is a mouthful of chewed food mixed with saliva which is ready for swallowing called?

i dont think that there is a technical name for it, its just whats in your question or chewed up food.

The incomplete sections of the tracheal rings allow the esophagus to do what?

Expand into the trachea when swallowing a food bolus (chunk of food)

What is ball of food gathered by the teeth tongue and salivary glands?

In digestion, a bolus (from Latin bolus, ball) is a mass of food that (with animals that can chew) has been chewed at the point of swallowing. Under normal circumstances, the bolus then travels to the stomach for further digestion.

What is happening in a bolus of food as it passes along the esophagus?

Starch is being digested.

What are the stages of deglutition?

Deglutition, or swallowing, can be divided into three stages. The oral, pharyngeal and oesophageal stages.Oral stage - the bolus of food is prepared --> the apex of the tongue presses on the palate --> rapid contraction of mylohyoideus and extrinsic muscles of the tongue propel the food (bolus) to the pharynx.Pharyngeal stage - the bolus hits the pharynx and triggers reflexes (from this point it is no longer voluntary) --> the soft palate is raised, the glottis closed and the pharynx shortened --> pharyngeal constrictors move bolus into the oesophagusOesophageal stage - peristalsis moves the bolus to the stomach

How does swallowing help digest food?

It doesn't.