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Q: What stage of maturity should the hay be cut?
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Can you feed third crop hay to horses?

Third crop or third cut hay can be safe for horses depending on where it was grown, it's level of maturity at cutting, and how well it was fertilized / maintained. You should always have hay tested for it's nutrient and sugar content before feeding it to any animal.

Does grass turn into hay?

No. Grass only is "turned into" hay when it is cut and collected for the sole purpose of feeding animals i.e., livestock. Grass will be grass no matter if it's alive and green, or brown and dead. Besides, FYI, grass hay is cut when grass is green, not when it has reached full maturity and gone into dormancy (i.e., turned brown and "died"). If grass is cut at this stage it contains very little nutritional value for livestock, and is otherwise considered the same value as straw.

What type of hay should you give to your bunny who just has babies?

Timothy hay is preferable for all rabbits at any stage in their life.

Why is hay a favorite of horses?

Horses evolved to eat grass, hay is essentially just grass that has been grown to a specific point of maturity, cut, allowed to dry a bit and baled for consumption by animals. Therefore horses will enjoy eating hay, which is just 'dry grass'. Hay should always be provided at all times as horses need constant long stemmed fiber moving through their digestive systems.

How is hay grown?

Naturally, like any other grass or plant that has its roots in the soil. When the grass and/or legumes reach a certain height or stage in their life cycle, they are cut, dried, then collected as hay.

Will second cut hay hurt the horse?

No second cut hay often has more nutrients in it than first cut hay. But if the horse is overweight or not working much then first cut hay would be better if the horse will eat it.

What is the name for cut dry grass?


When is the best time to cut alfalfa for beef cattle?

When it is at the 10% bloom stage. Any later and you will loose quality prior to gathering it up for hay.

What is coastal hay?

Coastal hay is cut and dried Burmudagrass.

Can you cut away mildewey hay and feed the rest to my horse?

No, you should never do this as you cannot be certain that you have gotten rid of all of the bad hay. It is much safer to throw it all away and get new hay.

What is hay cut in?


Is hay made from normal grass?

Hay is made from grasses that are planted and grown specifically for animal feed. The plants are allowed to grow to a certain level of maturity then cut, let to sun dry, then baled. Hay can also be made from several species of legumes such as Alfalfa , clover, and a few others.