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If you could narrow your question down to a specific war or time frame, it would be helpful. As there was so many wars back then, this question would take months to answer

honor, territory same crap we fight bout today without the nukes and crap

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Q: What started the wars in the Middle Ages?
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The Middle Ages started in "1100 - 1520"

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How and when the Middle Ages started?

It began in 410 AD with the fall of the Roman Empire and lasted a 1000 years.

What did Rome represent in the Middle Ages?

Rome didn't exist in the middle ages. It fell in 410 AD and because of it the middle ages started.

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wars had the most influence during the Middle Ages in Europe.

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The Middle Ages started in Italy with the sack of Rome in 476AD

Who began the Middle Ages?

The fall of Rome in 410 AD

How did knights fight during the middle ages?

Twitter wars.

Who opposed warfare during the middle ages?

There were times in the Middle Ages that popes tried to stop wars. The Church also tried to regulate wars so as to make them more humane.

What started the archer in the middle ages?

The Lordh

What killed most people in wars between the middle ages?

a halberd