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Q: What state was the KKK the worst?
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The worst things the KKK have done?

The worst thing would probably be them forming this pathetic "Racist" group.

What state was the KKK founed in?

pulaski, tn

What state did the KKK first appear?


Is stone mountain owned by the KKK?

yes the stone mountain is owned by kkk.

What stoped wegener from proving that the continents were once together?

kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk

Is there a KKK charter in Reno?

No. There is no chapter in the state of Nevada.

Why did the KKK name a highway after Rosa Parks?

Actually, the KKK didn't name the highway after Rosa Parks. The state of Missouri did. They did this because one of the participants in the KKK wanted to participate in the 'adopt a highway' thing, but Missouri said no, and the KKK took it to court and the court said it was unconstitutional not to give the highway to the KKK. BUTT, the state of Missouri found a loophole so that THEY could name the highway. So, in short, the state of Missouri named the highway, not the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). -Unipegutato

Why did the kkk become obsolete?

KKK became obsolete due to the, 1874 Alabama's Democratic Party that redeemed the state from Republican rule.

What prison is known for their KKK gang members?

Utah state

What is the second worst state for the Swine Flu?

Wisconsin, currently is the second worst state for the Swine Flu. Michigan, nearby is the worst state.

Was Babe Ruth part of the KKK?

No. He did however stop a bill, being pushed heavily by the KKK, from going through in Washington state. How, I don't know.

What state has the worst credit rating?

Illinois has the worst credit rating in the Uninted State of America!