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UNTRUE statements about countries... let's see...

  1. A State is a Country. - untrue for most countries
  2. A County is a Country. - untrue
  3. A Parish is a Country. - untrue
  4. A Township is a Country. - untrue
  5. An ocean is a Country. - untrue
  6. Outer Space is a Country. - untrue
  7. All countries have the same leader. - untrue
  8. All countries have the same type of government. - untrue
  9. All countries have the same Laws. - untrue
  10. Every square foot and square inch of land or water on Earth is owned by one county. - untrue
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Q: What statements regarding countries would be untrue?
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The person who asked this question is also the one who provided the answer:Primerica Financial Services is 1st. Microsoft would be in 2nd place.Ask yourself why are they deceiving you, using this site to spread untrue statements.