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Most of us know the signs and symptoms when they first appear. Pain and cramping ranging from mild to very sharp in the abdomen and an urgent need to run to the toilet. Much like what a non Crohns person would feel with a bad case of what most call stomach flu.

When these symptoms start we usually stop eating anything. Eating often triggers the cramping and urge to defecate immediately, so in response, we stop doing what hurts hoping that the problem will go away on its own. Sometimes it does, most often it does not and invariably the cramping will start even after taking a liquid like water or clear soup.

Lack of nutrition usually is followed by exhaustion to the point where even getting out of bed ( one more time) in the morning is difficult, even worse, dehydration has its own dangers. Smart patients seek medical attention prior to this since they know from experience allowing the flare to continue will lead to a stay in the hospital.

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you just need to take the treatment every 8 weeks (for remicade) and you should be fine

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Q: What steps would you take if you were diagnosed with Crohns disease?
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Which is worse crohn disease or irritable bowel syndrone?

There is no decisive answer to this question. The answer would depend on which of these diseases you have been diagnosed with. The disease you suffer from, be it IBD or Crohns would always be far worse than one you do not experience.

Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?

No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

I am in the army band and was diagnosed with Crohns disease what are my odds of being medically retired?

It would depend on the severity of the disease and the number of flare ups you get. Once you are diagnosed, good response to drug treatments can ensure mild symptoms often allowing the patient years of continued employment.

Can H. pylori and crohns disease be similar my son was diagnosed with heliobactor pylori could it be crohns disease?

The symptoms can be similar. The tests done however would confirm which disease the doctors were dealing with. H Pylori is distinctive as a corkscrew shaped gram negative bacterium. Biopsy from the stomach lining is used among other tests. Treatment in some cases can be somewhat similar with the use of metronidazole and other antibiotics. It can take several treatments but unlike crohns disease, h. pylori is curable.

Will Crohns disease cause the uvula and other areas of the throat to swell?

Crohns disease can cause symptoms anywhere in the digestive tract, from mouth to anus. It is unlikely Crohns disease would be the first suspect for a swollen uvula or sore throat but eventually, after eliminating the usual suspected causes, a test for Crohns could verify that diagnosis.

Is Crohns disease a pre-existing condition when applying for insurance?

Absolutely yes. Any prior diagnosis of Crohns disease would effect your eligibility for health or life insurance.

Would you be discharged from the british army if diagnosed with crohns disease?

Because of the nature of Crohns disease it may stay in remission long enough to serve out your hitch but don't count on it. Crohns can flare up anytime and stress is a big factor. Army doctors will have access to the latest meds used to control the symptoms but it is not curable. You will want to know where every latrine is during a flare up and it will disrupt your daily routines at the most inappropriate times. Check out the link for a US Army Staff Sargent with Crohns.

Why do Jewish people have a higher risk of getting Crohns disease?

Having the answer to this question would go a long way in helping to find a cure. It is not known why certain ethnic groups are more predisposed to getting Crohns disease.

Can improper cleaning of lettuce cause crohn's disease?

No. It is very unlikely that unrinsed lettuce would cause Crohns disease. Medical experts have been searching for the cause of this disease for years. Unrinsed produce may cause diarrhea and cramping from e-coli or other food borne bacteria but you will not get Crohns disease from it.

What is the cause of Crohns disease?

The causes of Crohns are unknown, much more research needs to be done. If researchers could find a cause then a cure would quickly follow. Right now there is neither a cause nor a cure identified.

Does crohns disease disqualify you from being a fighter pilot?

This very much depends on your military doctor if you are already in the armed forces. Crohns disease can be in remission for years, but can flare at anytime. Depending on the severity of the flare up and when it happens it would not be a good idea to be in the cockpit of an aircraft at the time. You certainly would be grounded during such a flare as the medications used to control a Crohns attack can affect your performance both physically and mentally.

Who is actress who does crohns disease commercial?

Crohns disease information advertisements are specific to country and in fact specific areas of each country. The actors in the advertisement would be different in each area and are not standard. For example, ads in Australia are different than those in Great Britain or North America.