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Sucrose. It is used as a medium for transporting food around the plant.

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Q: What substance do some plants convert glucose into and what is it used for?
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Which molecule do plants use to store extra glucose?

Glucose can be stored in plants in several ways. In some plants , the glucose molecules join to one another to form starch molecules. Some plants convert glucose to fructose and the energy is stored in this form. In other plants, fructose combines with glucose to form sucrose. The energy is stored in carbohydrates in this form. Plant cells obtain energy for their activities from these molecules.

What are the three types of substance that a plant makes using glucose used for?

Co2, Oxygen and water :) . I might be wrong. No its not those! The plant gathers Co2 and water and lets out oxygen. It mixes the co2 and water to make glucose. All I know is that one thing glucose does has something to do with starch?

Which organelle is critical for glucose production?

The chloroplast. Found only in plants and some protists, the chloroplasts contain chlorophyll that produces a green color. They are the site of photosynthesis, the process that uses energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars (glucose) for the plant's use and storage.

What do forest need carbon dioxide for?

So that they plants can make glucose for photosynthesis. Glucose is C6H12O6, and the carbon and some oxygen in that equation come from Carbon Dioxide in the plants enviroment.

Where do plants store extra glucose?

The glucose acts as an anti-freeze. That is why some fruits and vegetables taste better if there was some night frost during growth.

What kind of plant makes sugar?

I think you will find it is glucose, the same as in animals, but plants are capable of storing some of it by converting it into a more complex sugar called starch.

What does the photosynthesis means?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and some other organisms convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. It involves the absorption of sunlight, the use of chlorophyll to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, and the release of oxygen as a byproduct. Photosynthesis is a vital process for sustaining life on Earth, as it is the primary source of oxygen and food for many organisms.

How does light work in helping things grow?

In Short, plants need sunlight to grow, and survive, they convert sunlight into glucose, which is a form of sugar, as food. They need glucose to grow. Light energy is used by plants to manufacture their food, a process called photosynthesis. Plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and the by-product oxygen. In this way, light energy is converted into chemical energy in the glucose. We may not realise how important this process is. Plants are the only organisms (apart from some photosynthetic bacteria) which are capable of harnessing light energy. ALL other living organisms, including man, is dependent on plants to obtain energy, whether directly by eating the plants or indirectly by eating the animals which eat plants. In ecology, this importance is pointed out by the fact that ALL food chains or webs start by photosynthetic organisms (again mainly plants).

How does carbon cycle in Earths system?

The carbon cycle is when plants convert carbon dioxide, CO2, from the atmosphere into carbohydrates, such as glucose, C6H12O6. Then, organisms eat the plants and obtain the carbon from the carbohydrates. Next, organisms' bodies break down the carbohydrates and release some of the carbon back into the air as CO2.

What can glucose that isn't used by the plant be stored as?

Glucose is stored as a type of starch in seeds. Some plants also store it in specialized organs inside of the plant.

Can the body convert glycerol into glucose?

Yes, glucose is stored in the body as glycerol. When the body needs more glucose it will convert some glycerol into glucose and put it into the bloodstream. No, glucose is not stored in the body as glycerol. It is stored in the body as glycogen. Glycerol is the backbone of triglycerides, and in order to be used for energy, It must be converted into glycerol-3-phosphate, after that may enter the pathway of glycolysis, or may enter the process of gluconeogenesis (generation of glucose from non-carbohydrates source).

How can chromatography be used to show that the hydrolysis of starch produces only one sugar glucose?

use starch in the datum line and after a while, check if there is only one substance in the paper during the whole process. check if it is glucose.