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The Supreme Court case that upheld the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was Korematsu v. United States (1944). The Court ruled that the internment was justified due to military necessity, a decision that has been widely criticized as a violation of civil liberties.

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Q: What supreme court case put Japanese in internment camps?
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What was the US Supreme Court case Korematsu v US about?

This was a case determining the constitutionality of putting Japanese Americans into "relocation" camps or internment camps. The Supreme Court decided that internment camps were constitutional because of military urgency, and that protection from espionage far outweighed Korematsu's (and thus all Japanese American's) individual rights.

What supreme court case allowed internment camps to happen?

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Was the Internment Camps of World War 2 a mistake?

The internment of the Japanese was a very serious error. The US Supreme Court ruled the action unconstituional. Later the government had to pay money to the families.

What was the basis of the Supreme Court finding the internment of Japanese prisoners constitutional?

It being a time of war, security of the nation came first. Although hasty on the part of the US, Japanese residents were rounded up and placed in internment camps.

Who was korematsuv US?

It is Korematsu v US and was a landmark Supreme Court decision allowing the USA government to place Japanese Americans in internment camps during WWII.

What was the rationale for the supreme court to uphold the internment of Japanese Americans in 1944?

America was scared that the American Japanese that were living there were spys

When were the Japanese free from the interment camps?

In December of 1944 the US Supreme court ruled the Japanese internment was unconstitutional. It took until after the war to get everyone release and relocated. Please see attached link for a very good explanation.

Japanese-American Internment?

Similar to the Red Scare in WWI, many Americans feared Japanese Americans were a threat to American safety. 110,000 Japanese-Americans were forced into these camps because the US feared that they might act as saboteurs for Japan in case of invasion. The camps deprived the Japanese-Americans of basic rights, and the internees lost hundreds of millions of dollars in property. In the Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. U.S. (1944), the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the concentration camps.

Which landmark supreme court case outcome sided with the us government concerning the constitutionality of executive order 9066 which ordered japanese americans into internment camps during world?

Korematsu v. United States

Why did the supreme court uphold the internment of Japanese Americans residing in the west coast?

They realized the Japanese-Americans did not pose any kind of threat.

What landmark Supreme Court case outcome sided with the U.S. government concerning the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066 which ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps during World Wa?

Korematsu v. United States