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If you take anything away from this ice 20 min on 20 min off post op and the following three days, I only had mild bruising that was almost not there, minimal swelling and pain. I got them out on a Friday and was back at work on Tuesday (since I could do that :)). And eat the applesauce otherwise you will feel sick.

In May of 2011 I got mine out at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I will first say Dr. Viozzi did a wonderful job. It only took him 12 minutes to get all Five, yes read FIVE wisdom teeth out. I never had to take oral antibiotics because I got IV extended release antibiotics and they gave me something for nausea so that I would not feel sick when I woke up, or all evening (I had asked for that). I never did take the Vicodin he prescribed because I didn't want to deal with an upset stomach from it, so I took 2 Tylenol and then an hour later I took 2 ibuprofen (before the freezing wore off) the night of the procedure at the prompting of my husband, he knew that I didn't want the narcotic unless I had to (mine was late afternoon 3 p.m. appointment). My wonderful husband had to tell me to go to bed since I was dozing on the couch and he made a bunch of noise and I didn't notice.

It took a week before I started to wean myself off of ibuprofen and two weeks before I was eating normally again. I ate mashed potatoes, apple sauce (this is key otherwise after a few days you'll feel sick), ice cream, creamed soups, pudding, powerade, instant breakfast, oatmeal, and canned tuna (no chewing necessary) for those of you wondering what works for food. After 3 weeks I really felt back to normal, granted some of my teeth were through and some Dr. Viozzi had to do some cutting. Of the ones that were through on top, the pain was less than it was in my lower jaw. I only forgot to have my husband wake me up to feed me more Tylenol in the middle of the night once and that was about 3 days post op. The pain I would liken to a burning sensation at the surgical site like when you burn your tongue on a hot drink and the muscle ache from having my jaw open so wide for the duration of the procedure was like any muscle strain, ice to the cheeks and Tylenol and an hour solved got the pain down to nearly nothing.

The only weird thing that I had was about 4 days afterward my jaw muscles would almost uncontrollably cause my teeth to chatter at 3 p.m. each day from days 4-9 after surgery. Very odd.

For those of you wondering about how much it cost to get it done before insurance it is $2500, and well worth it to get rid of the headaches and jaw aches that I was having.

All in all it was not the worst experience ever, It was actually really good and the Dr. Viozzi was great. I would recommend him to anybody.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Since the wisdom tooth grows at the very back, the most common symptomatic pain is tenderness at the very back. If you can't chew properly or you can't close your mouth properly, it can be a sign of wisdom tooth pain. However, the best way to know if you are growing wisdom tooth is by checking with your dentist. Your teeth pain can be caused by a lot of things like tooth decay or cavity.

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9y ago

When you have your wisdom teeth removed you will have a lot of pain. You will also bleed. Make sure that you pack the place where the tooth used to be to avoid dry sockets.

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14y ago

Some symptoms of infection after wisdom tooth removal can be severe pain ue to dry socket or puss draining out of whole.Im not a dr. but just from exsperiance.

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10y ago

It depends on where the pain is. If the pain is in your gums where the wisdom teeth were removed, then you could have dry socket.

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Is it normal to have to have your wisdom teeth removed when your 15 and there almost formed?

It is quite common to have wisdom teeth removed anywhere from 15 to 30.

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Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed.

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Having wisdom teeth removed has no bearing on when you defecate.

When can a wisdom tooth be removed?

Wisdom teeth usually begin to surface during young adulthood, between ages 18 and 22. Oftentimes, dentists will tell patients with surfacing wisdom teeth that they need to be removed, since wisdom teeth can crowd existing teeth by forcing them to scrunch together.

Is it possible for an adult to not need any wisdom teeth removed if they've never grown in or threatened the growth of the other teeth?

If you have wisdom teeth and they haven't come in normally, you need to have them removed. And possiblly even if they have come in. They are so far back it's very hard to keep them properly cleaned. It's better to get them removed as a young adult rather than an older person. It's also better to get them removed before they start causing problems. Most dentists recommend to extract wisdom teeth, even if there are no symptoms, to prevent future complications. For adults over 30 years old, most dentist would not remove wisdom teeth because the roots are completely formed and the bone around them is dense. Extraction would be indicated only if there are symptoms. It is not necessary. my dad's wisdom teeth are all still intact and he has never had a need to take them out.

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Laugh Your Way to Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Not everyone has their wisdom teeth removed. If you do have to have your wisdom teeth removed, find a doctor that knows what they are doing and try to get them all removed at the same time. Most doctors will use laughing gas for sedation. Some doctors will put you fully to sleep to remove the wisdom teeth. Recovery is about three to four days with a soft diet.

When does a wisdom tooth need to be surgically removed?

Wisdom tooth extraction requires an oral surgeon when the wisdom tooth is compacted, or when the area around the tooth is infected.

What can't I eat after having wisdom teeth removed?

You can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed, but you should eat food that aren't crunchy, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and milkshakes.

How long do you stay home after wisdom teeth surgery?

After I removed two of my wisdom teeth I stayed home for at least 1 week

Where can you get paid to have your wisdom teeth removed?

premier research in austin

Are removal of wisdom teeth covered by OHIP?

yes they do Ontario disability support plan does cover wisdom teeth removal i just got mine removed yesterday i got all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed and i tell you it hurts so bad