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The temperature that will begin the loss of the mosquito population and prevent further gestation is approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Randy Chatfield

Carlsbad, New Mexico

Mosquitoes in Southeastern Michigan do not fly at temperatures below 60 degrees F, by observation.

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Q: What temperature do mosquitoes quit flying and how strong of wind will keep them away?
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Do citronella plants keep mosquitoes away?

Yes, Citronella plant has a very repelling smell for the mosquitoes hence it keeps mosquitoes away.

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The colonists kept mosquitoes away with smoke and mud. The mud when it dried made a hard cover so the mosquitoes could not get to the skin.

Does vinegar kill mosquitoes?

No, vinegar will not actually kill mosquitoes. However, it will keep mosquitoes away. This is because mosquitoes are not attracted to the vinegar smell, therefore, they are deterred.

What time of year do mosquitoes go away in Georgia?

Around November, or when the temperature starts going down. Usually around fall you start seeing them less.

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Brian doesnt keep the mosquitoes away until he manages to make fire. The smoke from the fire is what keeps the mosquitoes from "attacking" him.

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Researchers have found that breadfruit flowers contain three chemicals that repel flying insects, including mosquitoes. Burning dried clusters of the flowers keeps bugs away.

Does mosquito ferns keep mosquitoes away?

Yes, mosquito ferns are very effective at repelling mosquitoes. The active chemical in the leaves of the fern deter mosquitoes.

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because a boi waz flying a kite and it waz sooo strong it blew him away and they celebrate it the day it happend

What should you do to keep mosquitoes away?

fight them with all your soul

Planting which tree will keep mosquitoes away?

Planting a eucalyptus tree will help keep mosquitoes away. Eucalyptus leaves are covered with oil glands that produce the unmistakable smell of eucalyptus.

Why fireflies prevent mosquitoes?

Most of the time fireflies are in large groups and they eat mosquitoes so if I were a mosquito I would stay away.