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Cook beef or chicken at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 150 Celsius.

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Q: What temperature does meat like beef or chicken melt at?
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What is the most eaten meat in the US?

Pork, beef, or chicken.

Can salmonella be cooked out of beef?

Yes. Heat the meat (beef or chicken) to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees, and the bacteria will be killed. Then it is safe to eat.

The most common meat?

chicken and beef

How do you differentiate between cooked beef and chicken by physically?

chicken is white meat and the beef is brownish and often has a noticeable edge

Do they have deer meat in medieval times?

probably they did eat deer meat like pig, chicken, beef, and other meats we eat today.

Is beef red meat?

yes it is, pork and lamb as well, chicken is white meat

What meat is in Italy?

beef pork chicken goat fish

What animal does meat gravy come from?

Any meat you choose; Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Fish

Why fish and chicken meat is white and cow meat is red?

The main determinant of the color of meat is the concentration of myoglobin. The white meat of chicken has under 0.05%; chicken thigh has 0.18-0.20%; pork and veal have 0.1-0.3%; young beef has 0.4-1.0%; and old beef has 1.5-2.0%.

Are meat and chicken the same?

no and yes well.. chicken is a meat BUT there is a difference between what kinda meat red meat = like.. lamb, steak etc. and chicken is white meat.. like pork. but also: chicken is called poultry cause its a bird so.. like turkey, duck.. etc nomnomnom (:

What will dogs eat on runescape?

Bones and raw or cooked meat, such as chicken or beef. Just like most normal dogs :)

What meat is consumed in Australia?

Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Seafood