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press alt+1=☺ !press them at the same time!

or just press the semi colon and the right parenthesese. = : + ) = smiley.

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Q: What text gives you the smiley face on word?
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How do you make a winking smiley face of Microsoft word 2007?

A winking smiley face an be made in Microsoft Word and on paper. People can make a winking smiley face by putting a semicolon and a parenthesis together. But how to make a REAL one??

How do French people say smiley face?

a smiling face is 'un visage souriant' a smiley (smiling yellow face used in internet messages) is commonly called a smiley in French. The official name is "une émoticone" (word formed from émotion + icône)

What is a four word phrase often used with the smiley face?

ROFL (Rolling on (the) floor laughing)

How do you make a smiley face on a laptop?

If you don't have a keypad on your laptop, you have to press Alt,Fn,and the letter J. Which it really wouldn't be that big...I just blew it up for you so that you could tell it's a smiley face. This: ☺ is its actual size. Unless you blow it up on Microsoft Word or something. ☺

Which movies have the word face in the title?

Scarface, Baby Face, Funnyface, Face/Off, The Man without a Face, Blue in the Face, Saving Face, A Face in the Crowd, Smiley Face, Der Fuehrer's Face

What are some symbols on Facebook chat?

:) is a smiley face, :( is a sad face, :'( is a crying face, >:( is an angry face, <3 is a heart, (^^^) is a shark, O:) is an angel, ;) is a winking smiley face, and * is something you can put next to a word you messed up. Example : Hey how was your vacation? You can i-m this after that: your* :) :) :) :D is a big teeth face :v is a pacman :O is a gasping face ^_^ is a kikki face

What is the alt code for a smily face?

Not sure if this helps or not but this is the one I always use. Just copy and paste. ツ edit (different user): that ツ is the Japanese Katakana figure for the English sound "tsu" and is NOT a smiley face. With that said, as far as I know there is no alt code for just a simple smiley face. Microsoft supports a list of symbols to use in their Microsoft products including a smiley face. To draw a smiley face in Microsoft word type : then ) and then press space.

What does xd?

'xD' is a type of memory card, typically used in digital cameras.

What option of ms word 2007 gives custom summary of text based on statistical and linguistic analysis?

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What are three sentences for the word draw?

Why did you draw a smiley face on my forehead?I need to draw out some cash.The artist began to draw her, like one of his Polish girls.

How do you make a smiley face in word?

i don't know but people just say go to a blank page and try to figure it out

Why do people out a J at the end of a text or an email?

I thought I had it figured out, and so I went looking to see & I was right. Have you ever typed a smiley :-), and whatever program you were in automatically made it into a smiley? Well, sometimes the code that makes that happen gets lost as it goes through the various email programs and ends up as just a "J" Update for precision: - Office use MS Word as HTML e-mail editor - The "smiley" is replaced by a Winding font character. - The uppercase "J" is a smiley in the Winding character set. - The "J" will appear each time the text is kept but the font info is lost.