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Morphine takes its name after the god of sleep/dreams Morpheas/Morpheus.

So morphine, promises to take somebody to the dreamland.

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Q: What the word morphine have to do with the god of Greek?
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What Greek god was named 'Morphine'?

'Morphine' came from the name of the god of dreams, Morpheus.

Who is the Greek God of dreams?

Morpheus The word morphine derives from the god's name

Did morphine originate from Greek Mythology?

The name of 'morphine' is derived from the Greek god Morpheus who was known as the god of dreams .

Why is morphine named after morpheus?

Morphine comes from the greek word Morpheus which is the God of dreams, it is named this due to its narcotic effects

What does morphine mean in Greek mythology?

I think what you are asking is "what is the Greek mythological origin for Morphine". The name "morphine" is rooted in the Greek personification of the dream state, Morpheus. His name means "shaper" as he was the shaper of dreams.

Which drug is named after the Greek god of dreams?

The Greek God of dreams was Morpheus, and the drug named after him is morphine.

What drug was named for morpheus the greek god of dreams?

Morphine is the painkilling drug named after Morpheus.

What is the meaning of the ancient Greek word god?

The ancient Greek word for God is Theos, and it means "God."

What Greek God is the word hubris named after?

It is a Greek word, not connected with any god.

What is the name of the potent opiate discovered by German pharmacist Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Serturner who named his discovery after the Greek god of dreams?

Morphine, named after the Greek god Morpheus.

How do you write word of God?

The word commonly translated as the Word of the Word of God is the Greek word logos. In Greek, the word is written λόγος. You don't WRITE the word of God, it already exists in the Bible.

What is the origin of the word morphine?

Morphine was first isolated in 1804 in Paderborn, Germany, by the German pharmacist Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner, who named it morphium after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. But it was not until the development of the hypodermic needle in 1853 that its use spread. It was used for pain relief, and as a "cure" for opium and alcohol addiction. Later it was found out that morphine was even more addictive than either alcohol or opium, and its extensive use during the American Civil War allegedly resulted in over 400,000 sufferers from the "soldier's disease" of morphine addiction. This idea has been a subject of controversy, as there have been suggestions that such a disease was in fact a hoax.-----------------The word "morphine", a drug used to relieve pain, is derived from Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams. Morpheus was appropriately the son of Somnus, the God of Sleep.