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To be born free, equal and independent.

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Q: What three natural rights did Locke argue that all people possess?
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Was john Locke?

Did you mean Who was john Locke? John Locke was an English philosopher, he believed that people had their own rights. The natural rights are rights to liberty, life, and personal property. natural rights- rights that the government cannot take from them

People have natural rights that the government should protect?

The Declaration of Independence and the constitution.

According to Locke what are three natural rights that all people have?

According to Locke, three natural rights that all people have are the rights to life, liberty, and property.

Who gives people natural rights?

According to John Locke God gave man natural rights.

John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that included the right to what?

John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that included the right to life, liberty, and property.

Who said that government purpose was to protect people natural rights?

john Locke

WHO SAID People have natural rights that the government should protect.?

john Locke

What natural rights did political theorist John Locke believe people have?

John Locke believed that people have the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. He argued that these rights were inherent and individuals were entitled to them from birth. Locke believed that government existed to protect these rights and that people had the right to overthrow a government that failed to do so.

Where did natural rights come from?

Natural rights are considered inherent to human beings and not dependent on government or society. The concept is often attributed to Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, who argued that individuals possess rights, such as life, liberty, and property, simply by virtue of being human.

Why did john Locke call your right of lifeliberty and property natural rights?

John Locke believed that the rights to life, liberty, and property are natural rights because he argued that individuals possess these rights inherently by virtue of being human. He believed that these rights are derived from natural law, which he saw as a moral code inherent in the natural order of the world. Locke believed that these natural rights should be protected by governments to ensure individuals can live freely and pursue their own interests.

Who present the idea of people having natural rights?

John Locke

What did Locke argued?

people have natural rights; life, liberty, and property.