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Q: What time did Saddam Hussein attack Kuwait?
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Who was the leader of Iraq during the time when Iraq invades Kuwait?

Saddam Hussein

What was the name of the Iraq dictator in the Iraq War?

Saddam Hussein was the dictator from 1979 until 2003

Who met with Saddam Hussein prior to Iraq invading Kuwait in 1990?

I saw April Glaspie on a news show at the time. She said she told Saddam Hussein that "America would have no response" to his invasion. Straight from the horse's mouth. See her Wikipedia page also for revisionist perspective at the Related Link below.

Who is Iraq's dictator?

Sadaam Hussein, until he died in 2003 for hanging.

Why were many world leaders concerned about Saddam Hussein occupation of Kuwait?

They believed he would attack Saudi Arabia and eventually control the worlds oil supply. Even though there was little concern about Kuwait itself - when one corrupt dictatorship takes over another corrupt dictatorship, little has been lost - the concern was that if Saddam can take over Kuwait and get away with it, what other countries would he try to take over next? How far did his ambitions extend? It is worth noting that at the time, Saddam said that the reason why he invaded Kuwait was to liberate Palestine, which means that he was building an empire with which eventually to attack Israel, and that would have been a much more destructive conflict. And even that would not necessarily have been the end of his conquests. Today Kuwait, tomorrow the world!

What types of military weapons did Saddam Hussein have?

Saddam Hussein may at one time have had ambitions to have nuclear weapons, but he never had them. By the time he was ousted he had no significant chemical weapons. He did have a supergun designed by Gerald Bull.

What is the Golf War?

The gulf not golf war was the war that occurred in Kuwait (a small country below Iraq) between Iraq forces and American forces. Saddam Hussein at the time invaded Kuwait for it's oil supplies, and America came in fought against him. In the end America and Kuwait forces managed to win and Iraq retreated.

Was Saddam Hussein held in Cuba?

No. He was held in Iraq the whole time from his capture to his execution.

Did you help Saddam Hussein in World War 2?

Saddam Hussein was a child in World War II, he was born in 1937 and was only 8 years old when the war ended. At that time Iraq was a colony of the British Empire.

Who start the gulf war?

Iraq claimed Kuwait was drilling at an angle for oil to get to oilfields which Iraq claimed were under their territory. They also claimed Kuwait was one of their provinces and sent their army to invade the country. Saddam Hussein was the leader of Iraq at the time. There is more to the story, but the posted question was only about who made the war start.

Who made the gulf war start?

Iraq claimed Kuwait was drilling at an angle for oil to get to oilfields which Iraq claimed were under their territory. They also claimed Kuwait was one of their provinces and sent their army to invade the country. Saddam Hussein was the leader of Iraq at the time. There is more to the story, but the posted question was only about who made the war start.

Was the gulf war justified Why?

The first Gulf war; Desert Shield and Desert Storm, were very justified. Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait, and terrorized the nation. Iraq threatened to attack Saudi Arabia. The war was necessary to defend Saudi Arabia and free Kuwait from a murderous tryant--Saddam Hussein of Iraq.