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Q: What time periods when a young man could develop post traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia?
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Can bipolar people have schizophrenic symptoms?

Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia have some symptoms that are quite similar. The main difference between these two is that schizophrenia's characterized by hallucinations and delusions while bipolar disorder is mainly manic behavior followed by periods of depression. Typically, bipolar behaviors are fairly distinguishable from schizophrenia, but there are some rare cases of schizo-affective disorder which is a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder where there is a mood component accompanied by schizophrenia. In short, bipolar symptoms can be somewhat similar to schizophrenic symptoms, but unless the individual has schizo-affective disorder the symptoms won't be identical enough to confuse the two disorders with one another.

What is the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder?

Dementia is a catch-all word for well, loss of the mental function, lit, out of the mind, De- Mentia. There are different types. Schizoaffective implies a sort of split personality and often violent mood shifts, secondary personalities ( i am not talking about the healthy kind manifested by writers and cartoonists doing different characters) they are both mental illnesses, but Dementia is vague, Schizoid is more specific.

What is cyclothymic disorder?

Cyclothymia is a low-level bipolar disorder, characterized by alternating periods of mild depression and mania ("hypomania") for extended periods of time.

Is a psychological disorder in which individuals cycle through manic phases and periods of depression?

Bipolar I is a psychiatric disorder not a psychological disorder.

What are symptoms of a hypothyroid disorder?

Hypothyroid symptoms develop slowly over time. People with the disorder may notice themselves becoming unusually weak and tired. They might also experience dry skin and nails, constipation and, for women, heavier than normal periods.

What is hypoactive sexual desire disorder?

Some men have periods of inadequate sexual desire (hypoactive sexual desire disorder).

How to Recognize Schizophrenia Symptoms?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes a person to possess a unrealistic perception of reality, suffer from disturbing thoughts and feelings, and exhibit antisocial behavior. Schizophrenia symptoms generally appear in the late teens or early twenties, and affect almost one in every 100 people. The first step in treating schizophrenia is to understand and recognize schizophrenia symptoms. While many people believe that those with schizophrenia possess multiple personalities, this is actually not the case. Those that exhibit multiple personalities are suffering from a condition called multiple personality disorder, which is similar to schizophrenia in the fact that they are both mental disorders, but are very different conditions. However, this confusion is common because those with schizophrenia, many times, think that they see or hear people or things that are not really there. There are also many other schizophrenia symptoms that are common in those suffering from the disorder. Those with schizophrenia may be difficult for others to understand, as they may become very disorganized in thought and speak in strange ways. This can be as simple as not being able to concentrate or finish conversations or as severe as speaking in very random, nonsensical ways. Many people that suffer from schizophrenia become withdrawn from friends and family members, as well as society as a whole. This can be due to a lack of interest, feelings of paranoia, irritability, or an inability to deal with hallucinations or emotions. Additionally, a small percentage of people suffering from schizophrenia will completely stop talking or spend long periods of time in weird positions, completely unmoving. Schizophrenia symptoms may also manifest themselves physically. Those suffering from schizophrenia may lose their appetite, which may lead to weight loss, and practice poor hygiene. Those suffering from schizophrenia generally appear to be sick or to have completely lost interest in their appearance. Recognizing schizophrenia symptoms in others may be difficult, since they tend to manifest themselves in so many different ways. Others may simply see a person’s behavior and write them off as “crazy” or “delusional”, instead of recognizing the true source of this behavior. However, recognizing the symptoms of schizophrenia in friends or family is the first step in diagnosing and successfully treating the illness.

what is cyclothymic?

Cyclothymia is a low-level Bipolar disorder, characterized by alternating periods of mild depression and mania ("hypomania") for extended periods of time.

Is bipolar disorder the same as organic mood disorder?

I have bipolar 2 and according to what I have read, yes bipolar is the same as an organic mood disorder. There is two types of organic mood disorders, those that involve depression only and those that involve bipolar. Bipolar involves periods of depression and periods of mania.

How do symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder differ?

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive worry and anxiety about various life events, whereas panic disorder involves sudden and intense episodes of fear or discomfort, known as panic attacks. Panic attacks can happen without warning and are typically accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, sweating, and shortness of breath.

What is the average age of onset for Refsum disease?

The age of onset of all clinical manifestations tends to occur during childhood and usually develop before 50 years of age. It is a progressive disorder characterized by periods of subtle worsening and often appears to be in remission.

Can obsessive disorder be a part of bipolar disorder?

Some people have OCD and they don't have Bipolar disorder, but, they can get extremely irritated with their OCD which enables them to get annoyed and angry. Some people who do have OCD, do also suffer from Bipolar disorder, but not all people.