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Your voting times are determined by your state. Your voting place is determined by your county (or parish or independent city).

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Q: What times are you able to vote between and where do you vote?
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Who was able to vote while Athens was in democracy?

they where able to vote at the age of 18

Do you have to vote in the primary to be able to vote in the general election in TN?


Who could vote in the English colonies?

Only white males are able to vote because they are the only citizens in the colonies.Because only citizens are able to vote.

Anglo American women in colonial times?

Anglo American women had few rights in colonial times. They could not own property unless they were widowed and were not able to vote.

Were Spartan women able to vote?

Yes they were allowed to vote the atheain women were not allowed to vote.

Should women be able to vote?

No. They’re easily manipulated, uninformed & vote purely on emotion or what’s deemed as popular.

Why do people fight for vote?

It is a right to be able to vote and it is your say in the government.

What age can you vote in Cuba?

you are able to vote in Cuba at the age of 18

Who vote in America who doesn't why?

Anyone who is over 18 and a citizen can vote. They have to register where they live to be able to vote.

Who got to vote in the early times?

Man got to vote

Why is it important for people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

Is Nick Jonas democratic?

He is not old enough to vote. He will be able to vote in 2010.