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The first thing that should be done is a water change. Make sure that the temperature of the water remains the same. If the betta is in a tank you can use a small heater to gradually increase the temperature a couple of degrees(78F max). This will sometimes help to alleviate impaction. Another good method once the water is nice and clean is to fast your betta for two or three days. The fish will not die from starvation. Often overfeeding and poor water quality are causes for constipation. When you do resume feeding make sure to feed a high quality betta pellet once a day. Feed just a pinch. You should soak the pellets for a few minutes before feeding. Dry pellets can also cause digestive issues.

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Q: What to do about constipation in a betta fish?
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What do you do for betta fish constipation?

Feed your betta fish cooked & de-shelled peas for 2 days instead of his/her regular food

What does it mean when a betta fish lays down at the bottom of the fish bowl on its side?

It most likely means that he/she is sick because that is what happened to my betta fish. make sure you don't overfeed your betta fish because it can lead to constipation and that will cause trouble for the betta fish

What preys on betta fish?

other Betta fish and the bigger fish.

How many fish can a betta eat?

Betta fish do not eat fish.

Are Betta Fish omnivores?

No betta fish are carnivores.

What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

What is a betta?

A betta is a fish of the species Betta, especially Betta splendens, commonly known as the Siamese fighting fish.

Why does your Betta fish float on his side?

Probably swim bladder disease. Dirty water, stress, over feeding (leading to constipation), and temp fluctuations will cause this.

Can boy betta fish be with a boy betta fish?


Does Cuba have Betta fish?

Sure we have betta fish in cuba

Are Betta fish genetically engineered?

betta fish are specifically bred for fighting

Can a male betta fish be living in the same fish tank with a female betta fish?

No. Betta fish will attack each other no matter the sex.