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Your dentist should have given you a list of precautions after your visit.

You need to eat soft foods that you dont have to chew. Obviously having no teeth. Stay away from very hot foods and liquids for the first 12 hours. Cold or cool foods are recommended. Most people find that soups are good, some even eat baby food for the first few days.

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Q: What to eat or drink after all teeth are pulled?
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I'm getting my teeth pulled today at 3pm they told me not to eat anything after 12 am I was kinda thirsty and had something to drink at 1245 pm can I still get my teeth pulled at 3pm?

You can eat & drink, the dentist always says that. i got my a couple teeth pulled, and i ate about 2 hrs before that. So you should be ok!

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my chi had 11 teeth pulled and my papillon 2 teeth pulled...both had no problems after surgery. They eat well...but since the surgery (2 months ago), they do not drink water!! So I put water in their food bowls (i feed them cesars soft food).

What can you eat after teeth pulled?

applesause and smoothies

How long should you wait to eat after having all your teeth pulled?

The length of time that you should wait to eat after having all your teeth pulled will vary. You should wait until your gums have stopped bleeding, at this point you can eat something soft. This could take ten minutes or a couple hours.

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Why do teeth get discolored?

Teeth get discolored from the food that you eat and the things that you drink. Almost everything you eat or drink is a color and over time that can stain your teeth, this is why brushing is so important.

What can you eat after teeth being pulled?

you have to wait at least 1 hour

Should you eat beFore you have a tooth pulled?

Its okay to eat, but its best to not eat. and if you eat, make sure you clean your teeth

What should toddlers eat after having there teeth pulled my daughter is having her 4 front teeth pulled what should i get for her to eat for the few days after?

apple sauce jared baby food mashed apples mashed banana

What do your eat after 21 teeth are pulled?

pudding ? ... painkillers

Can teeth get stronger?

yh if u drink/eat callcium .like drink milk and eat yogurt and stuff like that. hope i helped

Can you drink beer a day before getting 3 teeth pulled?

I'm getting 3 teeth pulled tomorrow and I was told not to eat or drink anything for 6 hours. I will be going to sleep though so if your not it might be different. I wouldn't drink alchohol anyway because it might mess with the meds they give you. I would just stick to water and if you need, try and take a "calm" pill before you go. I was told that I can take .5MG of Xanax an hour before. Hope this helps and lots of luck to you.