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Take it to the vet. Because if your dog has white gums it isn't getting oxygen

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Q: What to give a 3 week old puppie with white gums and is verry week?
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Related questions

Why does gums turn white?

Gums may turn white because there is a lack of blood flow. This can cause numbness as well. Gums can also turn white due to gum disease.

What is the white dot on your gums?

because you brush your teeth everymorning if you wakeup

Your 2 year old has really red gums and white blisters on his tongue and lip what are they?

Just give him eggs and he's be OK

Is Crest White good for soothing gums that are irritated from wearing partial plates?

Crest White is good for soothing gums, but only in moderation.

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What does white bumps on the gums mean?

It could be an abscess with puss. The root of the tooth is infected and the puss is draining through the gums. You should see a dentist. He/She will give you some antibiotics or an extraction might be necessary.

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What is the white flavar in American hard gums?

it is pair flavor

We have a 3 month beagle puppie ate 3 little chocolate candies do you have to worry?

i wouldn't think so because my beagle did the exact same thing but all he did was licked his gums alot lol but there shouldn't be anything to worry about

Your dog has lost weight and his gums are white He is a chow mix?

You need to take your dog in to see a Veterinarian immediately. The white gums tell you that your dog is in shock or losing blood somewhere in his or her body. Get to the VET!

Why did crest 3D whitening strips turn your gums white?

The peroxide is a chemical which bleaches the teeth as well as gums if it comes in contact with them. You are not supposed to put the strips on your gums, but it will go away within a day.

Is it normal after an extraction for the gums to be white around other teeth?

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