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They used bow and arrows, spears, and stone knives.

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Q: What tools did hunters and gatherers use?
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Were the Shoshone hunters or farmers?

hunters and gatherers They were hunter-gatherers

Were the Apaches hunters gatherers or nomads?

The Apaches were a nomadic Native American tribe known for hunting and gathering food. They typically followed game and seasonal resources throughout the Southwest United States.

How did hunters and gatherers survive for thousands of years using primitive tools?

because they are boss

What is the difference between hunters and gatherers?

Hunters primarily rely on hunting animals for food, while gatherers focus on gathering plants, fruits, nuts, and other natural resources. Hunters often use tools like weapons to capture their prey, while gatherers use their knowledge of the environment to find and collect food. Hunter-gatherer societies typically exhibit a combination of hunting and gathering activities for survival.

How did the early hunters and gatherers use these plants and animals?

by eating them

What did hunters and gatherers use to make clothing?

Hunters and gatherers used materials like animal skins, furs, plant fibers, and feathers to make clothing. They would tan, sew, and weave these materials to create garments that provided protection and warmth. The clothing was often simple and functional, tailored to meet the environmental conditions of the region they inhabited.

What is the difference between early hunter-gatherers and modern subsistence hunters?

The main difference between early hunter-gatherers and modern subsistence hunters lies in their level of technological advancement and societal organization. Early hunter-gatherers relied on simple tools and lived in small, mobile groups, while modern subsistence hunters often use more advanced tools and techniques and may live in settled communities. Additionally, modern subsistence hunters often have access to modern amenities and technologies for transportation and communication.

Hunters and gathers used the bones of the woolly mammoth to?

hunters and gatherers use bones and fur for shelter and weapons

Are dart frogs gatherers or hunters?

they are gatherers they gather anything they can so put in gatherers

Did the hunters gatherers had temples?


What did the hunter gatherers use to make tools and weapons?

they use sticks and grass

Are Aztecs hunters or gatherers?

no of course they were .................................................. not!