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He got mad at the politics when he was a vice president

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3y ago

He got mad at the tariff policy.

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3y ago

idk bruh, no one knows

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Q: What turned calhoun from a nationalist to more narrow sectional concerns?
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Why was the narrow boat called the narrow boat?

This is because it is a narrow boat

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Some synonyms for narrow (since narrow is an adjective):confinedtightthinrestrictedslendertapered

What is the opposite of narrow?

The opposite of narrow is wide.

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What is narrow opening?

A narrow opening can be considered a slit. Narrow openings can be very long or short. There are many different types of narrow openings.

What is the comparative of narrow?

Narrow, narrower, narrowest.

What is opposite of narrow?

The opposed of narrow is wide.