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Adaptability: Their ability to adapt quickly to extreme conditions and survive frozen or in extreme heat.

Reproduction: Their Reproductive rates are incredible high, fast and asexual.

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Q: What two characteristics have helped bacteria survive on earth for so long?
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What two characteristics have helped bacteria survive on earth?

Adaptability Reproduction

Can earth survive if it happened to be in between saturn and jupitesr?

Earth would survive but life would not, except perhaps viruses or bacteria.

In what level of acidity does bacteria grow?

Prokaryotes (including bacteria) are the most diverse kingdom on earth. Bacteria are able to survive and thrive at a variety everyone on this earth. In acidic, boiling, freezing, basic, little water, high radiation environments there is a bacteria that can survive.

Can plants and and animals survive without bacteria?

No. They could not under the current regime of life on Earth. Bacteria, in their symbiotic, detrivorous, and other roles are critical to the life functions of plants and animals. If all bacteria were to die out, it is likely that everything living on the planet would die out. Oddly enough, the bacteria could survive without animals or plants.

Why are bacteria unable to live on earth?

Bacteria CAN live on Earth.

What characteristics distinguish archaea from bacteria?

well if you mean by distinguish as diff rent archaebacteria can live in extreme environment and it is an ancient bacteria but eubacteria cant live in extreme environment but it can live in food , air , and also in living things .

What is the smallest bacteria on earth?

As of now, the smallest bacteria on Earth are those belonging to Mycoplasma.

What living thing does not need oxygen to live?

Anaerobic organisms do not require oxygen to survive. On earth, those organisms are limited to many types of bacteria and obligate anaerobes.

Common characteristics that a bacteria and a mammal share?

Almost nothing. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes, some of which are autotrophic; mammals are multicellular eukaryotes, all of which are heterotrophic. Bacteria are considered the least advanced organisms on earth; mammals, along with birds, are considered the most advanced. The bodies of mammals contain bacteria, most of which are helpful or harmless, and a few of which are harmful. The only common characteristics of mammals and bacteria are the 7 basic characteristics of living things: all living things maintain homeostasis, are organized into one or more cells, obtain and release energy, grow and develop, adapt to their environments, respond to stimuli, and reproduce.

How much bacteria lives on earth?

the amount of bacteria on Earth would have to be at least over 100.

How has global warming helped the earth?

Global warming has not helped the earth, it has harmed the earth.

What do you mean by aerobic?

"Aerobic" means "with oxygen." "Anaerobic" means "without oxygen." Aerobic bacteria are bacteria that need oxygen in order to survive. Aerobic bacteria are the ones that we find in everyday spots on the earth, like in the air, soil, and water. Anaerobic bacteria are the ones in the odd places like the bottom of the ocean and inside sealed tin cans.