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He believed they could either move further west or they could become US. citizens

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Q: What two choices did Jackson believe Native Americans had?
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What did president Jackson think was the best way to deal with the native American tribes that lived in the east?

i believe president jackson included native americans.

Who was the president during the removal of the Native Americans?

I am certain that it is Andrew Jackson who was the president during the Removal Act of the Native Americans.

How Jackson deal with native Americans?

Jackson created the Trail of Tears, which removed all the Native Americans to the west of the Mississippi River

Where did Andrew Jackson move the native Americans to?

Andrew Jackson moved all Native Americans West were is know known as Oklahoma, so the Americans can start a plantation .

What Andrew Jackson policy hurt most native Americans?

I believe the legislation you are referring to is the Indian Removal Act, and Andrew Jackson's enforcement of this causing the Trail of Tears.

What did the whig party accuse Jackson of being?

they accused him of ignoring the native americans

What was Jackson position on Native Americans on the United states?

Jackson's position was thathe wanted the Native Americans to be in conflict with the white settlers on the West side of the Mississippi River

What alternative did Jackson have in shaping a policy to tackle the problem of native Americans?

Jackson believed that the only solution was to move the Native Americans from there lands to areas farther West.

What act did Jackson sign to move native Americans?


Who was in for the Removal of Native Americans Act?

President Andrew Jackson.

Which president forced native Americans west?

Andrew Jackson

What were the reasons why Andrew Jackson removed Indians from Georgia?

There were several reasons why Andrew Jackson removed Native Americans from Georgia. One reason was the desire for more land for white settlers, as Jackson believed that Native Americans were obstacles to westward expansion. Additionally, Jackson held prejudiced views towards Native Americans and believed that they were culturally inferior. Finally, Jackson was influenced by the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the removal of Native Americans from their ancestral lands.