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Q: What two classical heritages were revived by the renaissance?
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What two classical culture did the renaissance revive?

Greek and Roman

What is the two main classical cultures the renaissance rebirth?

greece and rome

Which period of history was greatly inflenced by classical greek and roman works?

The two peak periods were the renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries and the neo-classical period of the 18th and 19th century.

Renaissance influence Dante?

The Renaissance period, known for its focus on humanism and classical learning, greatly influenced Dante Alighieri's works. Dante's "Divine Comedy" combined medieval Christian theology with classical literature, reflecting the Renaissance interest in blending the two traditions. Dante's use of vernacular Italian instead of Latin also contributed to the development of the Italian language during the Renaissance.

The sculptures pictured below come from two different historical periods. The sculpture on the left was crafted in Greece during the classical era. The sculpture on the right was created in the Renais?

APEX: Renaissance artists developed their artistic styles by following examples left by classical civilization.

The two classical civilization of ancient India were the?

Maurya and Gupta were the two classical civilizations of ancient India.

Was Mozart part of the English Renaissance?

No, not even close. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in what is now Austria, and lived from 1765-1791.

What art style was da vinci involved in?

Italian High Renaissance is the period or movement da Vinci's work is placed in. The style of his work is considered Classical Realism. These two, style and movement are often confused.

can you Identify the primary factor from this section that led to the start of the Renaissance. Provide at least two supporting details that further explain how this led to the rebirth of classical culture and learning in Europe?

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Were two famous astronomers during the Renaissance?

Newtown and Kepler were two famous astronomers during the Renaissance.

Who were the two famous astronomers during the renaissance?

Newtown and Kepler were two famous astronomers during the Renaissance.

How was the symphony orchesra developed?

During the renaissance period, there were string consorts and wind consorts. In the Baroque period, concerti-grossi were composed according to concertato principle integrating these two groups. The symphony was introduced in the classical period.