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1. The second amendment guarantees the right of every citizens to own and carry weapons.

2.The second amendment talks about the fact that the government should not interfere with the population owning guns in case the government gets too powerful, and the people need to create a militia. The framers of the constitution had just came out of a world where a king ruled, and they wanted to prevent the government that they created from getting like that. They purposely created a weaker government, i.e. the two houses of congress to prevent a president from becoming a king.

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The right of states to have a militia, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

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Q: What two rights are guaranteed by the second amendment?
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Name the two rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

One right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is freedom of speech, found in the First Amendment. Another is the right to keep and bear arms, found in the Second Amendment.

What are the two rights that are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution of the US?

Two rights that were included were the Freedom of Speech and Jury Trials.

What are the two rights guaranteeed?

Freedom of speech and right to worship are the two rights guaranteed by the constitution.

What right is established by the 2nd Amendment?

The second amendment allows two things: -The right of the people to possess and own firearms. -The right of the states to raise militias. Such an amendment was meant to secure the rights of Americans from their own government, and to protect the country incase of a foreign, hostile invasion.

What are two rights or freedoms from the amendment?

1st amendment. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

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It is the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution that created the two-term limit. The amendment was ratified in 1951.

What two amendment's had the greatest effect in protecting democracy?

first amendment freedom of speech and second amendment right to bear arms

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The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution (1870) guarantees the right to vote, intended to apply to freed slaves after the Civil War. The 19th Amendment (ratified 1920) guaranteed the nationwide right for women. Prior to these two amendments, individual states had established requirements for their citizens to vote, and no mention was made of voting in the Bill of Rights.

What are two of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

1) right to bear and carry arms 2) freedom of speech for all citizens and the press

The president is limited to two terms by what?

The twenty-second amendment.

Which amendment restricted the president from serving a second term?

There is no such amendment. A president is allowed to serve for a second term. The last two presidents, Bush and Obama, both served for two terms. The 22nd amendment prohibits a third term.

What are two rights or freedoms from the first amendment?

1st amendment. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.