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First we must answer the question, "What is gravity?" There are many opposite charges that radiate electric fields. Two electric fields coming from opposite charges can pair up and travel through anything until they encounter opposite charges, such that the lower charge is pulled down first and then the upper charge is pulled down. The electric fields are absorbed by charges opposite from the ones that they originally came from. The time between the pulling down is according to the speed of light in the direction that the graviton was traveling. Only those gravitons that meet that special constraint are effective. That is why the gravitational "force" is so much weaker than the unpaired bare electric "force". The more gravitons (from a direction) meeting those dynamic conditions, the greater the force on an object.

The proper answer is not exactly the mass of the object producing the gravitons for "doing the pulling", and the distance (r) from the pair of charges being pulled downward to the object producing the gravitons that will later do the pulling. This is because gravitons are absorbed, as they encounter opposite charges having just the right dynamical properties. Space opens up as r times r but only the remaining unabsorbed gravitons expand outwards for a while, as r times r. Because gravitons are actually discontinuous, with a large enough separation of r, it would be possible that there are no surviving gravitons, no matter what the mass of the object producing the gravitons. That is why the "universe" is expanding. With enough mass in the way, the gravitons are all eventually absorbed. Each bare charge is an infinite duration source of power. Each bare charge gives up a vast flux of electric fields radiating outward at the speed of light. Charges encountered by those electric fields have their momenta changed upon absorbing those electric fields. In the frame of the encountered charge before the electric field is absorbed, the charge afterwards has absorbed some energy from the electric field, as it is afterwards moving. Useful energy can be delivered to a mass rotating about a horizontal axis, according to the Bessler principle. There is actually nothing at all static about the electric field or the gravitational field. They both propagate at the speed of light in pure vacuum.

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The mass of the planet and how heavy you are.

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