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Continental glaciers form in large flat areas. They spread across entire continents and make flattened landscapes. :)

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Two types of glaciers are snow piling and hail coming down heavy.

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Continental glacier is a glacier that covers a wide area.

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Continental Glacier, or Ice sheet

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Q: What two types of glaciers are giant sheets of ice that cover large areas of land?
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Related questions

What are giant glaciers called?

Giant glaciers are called ice sheets. These massive expanses of ice cover large areas of land and are found in Antarctica and Greenland. Ice sheets can be several kilometers thick and have a significant impact on global climate.

What is one main difference between continental glaciers and valley glaciers?

One main difference is that continental glaciers are much larger in size and cover vast areas of land or even entire continents, while valley glaciers are smaller and confined to mountain valleys or depressions. Continental glaciers flow out in all directions from a central region, whereas valley glaciers flow down valleys due to gravity.

How was great lakes formed?

they where formed by giant rocks that fell form the sun

Cliffs and basins are formed when glaciers pluck out giant blocks of what?


What are glaciers and what did they do to Canada?

They are basically giant frozen mountain shaped patches of ice

How are glaciers and rivers different from each other?

Glaciers are giant blocks of ice that move slowly, rivers are large volumes of water flowing in a definite course or channel.

Do glaciers move fast or slow or not at all?

actually glaciers move quite rapidly, they might not look like they are moving at all but in fact for their giant size they can move very quickly.

What layer of the earth make up these plates?

"plates" are the term for the giant sheets of rock on the earths crust

What did the giant use to cover the entrance to his cave?

a huge stone.!

The plates that cover the earth are like giant?

Puzzle pieces

What did the giant Cyclopes use to cover the entrance to his cave?

He used a boulder.

Cover for the open Bible nkjv giant print nelson?
