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It's a type of jellyfish so that makes it an invertabrate.

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Q: What type of animal is A man of war?
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Who animal that its other animals?

Portugese Man of War It is made up of multiple different fish put together. It is a type of jellyfish.

What is man of war?

A type of venomous jellyfish.

What does it man to be endangered animal?

Did you mean the word mean and not man?Anyways,to be an endangered animal it just basically means that there are only a few of your type left.

Can the shark attack the portuguese man of war?

It may depend on the type of shark and the size of the man of war. I am pretty sure that a great white shark or any type of larger sharks could destroy the man of war without that much pain. Unless, there are many man of wars swimming together.

What type of animal is the John Dory?

Either the man that lives down the road or a fish

What type of food is a portuguese man-of-war?

it is a type of jellyfish, which isn't really a fish at all!

What is a stinngind sea animal with tentacles?

try jellyfish, blue-ringed octopus, man-o-war, etc.

When was Animal Man created?

Animal Man was created in 1965.

What are facts about the Portuguese Man of War?

The Portuguese Man-o-War is not a single animal. Instead it has different animals working together. The parts are: float, tentacles, reproductive sytems, and mouth. The float is filled with carbon monoxide.

One type of animal that existed for millions of years but probably became extinct before man appeared is .?


Why is physalia physalis called Portuguese man of war?

Type your answer here... why is [physalia] called portuguese man of war

Was the Boar animal designed by man?

If your talking about the wild boar then no it is not designed by man. The wild boar is a real animal if u type it on google images u will see that it is in fact an animal. (I dont know about any other boars so i just thought it was a wild boar.)