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The blood which trails of to an erection during the case of extremely high amounts of sex hormones being produced.

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Q: What type of blood would type B blood would clump with?
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What blood type is a person if their blood don't clump in anti a or b?

blood type A

What type of blood can type B receive?

Type B and O. With type A and AB, the blood would resist the transfusion and clump up.

What blood types can receive type B blood?

Type B and O. With type A and AB, the blood would resist the transfusion and clump up.

What blood type would make Type A blood clump?

AB and B. Any blood type with different antigens.

What is the main concern when blood is transfused from one individual to another?

the major concern in blood transfusion procedures is that the cells in the donated blood clump due to the anti-bodies in the recipients plasma. for this reason a person with type A blood must not receive blood of type B or AB, either of which would clump in the presence of anti-B in the recipients type A blood.

What does having type A blood mean?

Type A has B-antigens on the outside of the blood cells. Type AB has both A or B Anti-gens on the blood cells. Type O has neither on the outside of the blood cells. Antigens detect what type of blood cells surround them. If type A came into contact with type B they would create a clump. For this reason type AB blood can recieve blood from ANY blood type but only give to type AB.

Why is it important that a person with type o blood only receive a blood transfusion from another person with type o blood?

A person with type B blood can only receive type B or O because it is said to be compatible and will not clump.

What is a blood type chart used for?

Blood charts are used to typically identify what blood type an individual has. The test is simple one; there's an anti-serum used to type the blood. If it clumps with Anti-A serum and not the B serum, you are a type A; if you clump with Anti-B serum and not A serum you are type B, if it clumps to Anti-A and B serums, then you are an AB, if doesn't clump to either Anti-A or B serum you are a type O.

How do antibodies react to antigens?

Type B antibodies react to type B antigens by begining to clump together, and the clumps may block blood vessels.

To which blood type can A type donate?

Type A blood can only go to someone that also has type A. There is a protein in type A blood that would cause blood of other types to clump togather if it is mixed with them. Type B can only give to B, AB can only give to AB, but O blood is sort of special. In cases of an emergency, O blood could be given to people with any type, though. A little clumping would occur, but it would not be enough to cause problems. There is a lot of complicated anatomy in the blood that causes these problems. **Answer from another person** Type A blood can go to either another type A or type AB. Type B blood can go to either another type B or type AB. Type O can go to any blood type - O, A, B or AB hence it is known as the universal donor. While AB is the universal recipient - can receive any other type blood. It's also not true that clumping would occur when being given type O blood!!

What blood type would the son have if the father's blood type is 0 positive and the mother's blood type is B positiver's blood type is B positive what blood type would the son have?

If the father's blood type is O positive and the mother's blood type is B positive, a child could have type B or type O blood, and the Rh factor could be positive or negative.

If a mother has type A blood and her baby has type B blood what blood type would the father have?

The father could be AB or B.