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I think neon is a noble gas and won't bond with anything.

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Q: What type of bond would form between two chlorine atoms or two neon atoms?
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Is the covalent bond between chlorine atoms in a molecule of chlorine gas polar?

No. Bonds between atoms of the same element are nonpolar. The electronegativity difference between the two atoms is zero, which indicates that the bond is nonpolar.

Which bond is more polar a phosphorus fcholrine bond or a phosphorus fluorine bond?

The bond between phosphorus and fluorine atoms is more polar than the bond between phosphorus and chlorine atoms.

What is the main difference in covalent boning within molecules of diatomic chlorine and diatomic oxygen?

The chlorine atoms share two electrons between themselves, while the oxygen atoms share four. This can alternatively be stated as a single bond between the two chlorine atoms and a double bond between the two oxygen atoms.

What type of bond will be form between sulfur and chlorine atoms?

A covalent bond will be formed between these two atoms. As a reule of thumb, a two nonmetals will always forma covalent bond.

Is Cl2 a covalent bond or ionic bond?

Covalent. There is no electronegativity difference between two atoms of the same element.

Can two chlorine atoms bond?

Yes, two chlorine atoms can bond, to form Cl2, which is the elemental form of chlorine.. The individual atoms do not gain or lose electrons but share them forming a covalent bond.

How many covalent bonds in Cl?

There is one covalent bond between two chlorine atoms in a molecule of chlorine.

What type of bond is formed between two chlorine atoms in a chlorine molecule?

Covalent. Non-metals tend to share electrons

Can chlorine atoms bond?

They can, Chlorine gas has the formula Cl2.

What is the difference between a chlorine atom and a chlorine molecule?

A chlorine molecule consists of two chlorine atoms bound together by a covalent bond. The symbol of a chlorine molecule is Cl2.

How do you know that a bond between magnesium and chlorine will be ionic?

The difference in electronegativity between the two atoms is above 1.7, Magnesium is a metal, and chlorine is a nonmetal.

What type of bond will form between an atom of chlorine and bromine?

A bond between chlorine and bromine, Cl-Br, would be polar covalent.