

What type of bread is known to mold the fastest?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What type of bread is known to mold the fastest?
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What type of brad molds the fastest?

Homemade bread molds the fastest. Other types of bread that will mold are breads that do not have preservatives, or bread that becomes too hot.

How fast does processed bread mold?

bread mold in about 10/15 days it deepens what type of bread it is

Which type of bread molds faster bought bread or backery bread?

I actually did my last year's science fair on this... In theory, the store-bought bread will mold more slowly than the bakery bread. This is because the store bought bread is baked with all kinds of preservatives to give it a longer shelf life. However, most bakery breads are not.

What type yogurt grows mold the fastest?

the fastest is fiber yogurt.

What type of bread does mold grow on Best?

White bread

What is mold on bread?

it is a type of fungus that you can find on bread when it is left outside for a few days. Mold spreads via spores.

What types bread does mold grow on?

Mold will grow on any type of bread as long as the conditions are right. Mold likes to grow when it is warm, moist and dark.

Why is bread mold unhealthy?

A certain type of bread mould can toxins which can cause hallucinations breathing difficultiesallergicreaction leading potentiallydeath.

Why is bread mold harmful to us?

Bread mold is harmful because of the mycotoxins that may be present in the spores of the mold. This type of mold when processed can also be helpful as it is used to produce penicillin.

How fast does mold grow on fruits and bread?

first, it depends what temperature the cheese is in, what type of cheese, how big the cheese and more Swiss cheese grows the most because it is soft and has holes. and where it is placed and the moisture given for it

What kind of mold grow on bread?

any kind of mold i don't think that there is just one type of mold so each bread probley has a different kind

Whick type of food molds the fastest in the same place bananas milk bread or cheese?

I am doing a project and so far the banana was first and the cheese was second the bread still doesn't have mold and its the 4 day