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Q: What type of cell has no smooth er no rough er no mitochondria no cilia and no Golgi bodies?
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Name 12 organelles found in cells?

The 12 organelles for a plant cell are:Cell WallNucleusNucleolusCytoplasmRibosomesVacuoleChloroplastsCell Membrane or Cellular MembraneChromosomesEndoplasmic ReticulumMitochondriaGolgi Body or Golgi ApparatusThe 12 organelles for an animal cell are:NucleusNucleolusNuclear MembraneCytoplasmRibosomesVacuolesCell MembraneChromosomesEndoplasmic ReticulumMitochondriaLysosomesGolgi Body or Golgi ApparatusThese are the normal organelles for the cell specified. However, some plants (e.g. Venus Fly Traps, etc.) have lysosomes, and there are other exceptions as well.These also get into more detail (e.g. smooth endoplasmic reticulum v.s. rough endoplasmic reticulum), but these are the basic organelles.Only the items in bold are organelles.

How many organelles are found in animal cells?

Chloroplast Cilia Flagella Endoplasmic Reticulum Lysosome Golgi body Cytoskeleton Nucleus Nucleoli Ribosomes Mitochondria Vacuoles Cell Wall Chromosomes Cell Membrain

Hairlike structures with the capacity for movement?

i don't know i think its Golgi body

What are all of the organelles?

NucleusNucleolusRibosomesRough endoplasmic reticulumSmooth endoplasmic reticulumVesiclesGolgi apparatus or Golgi body or Golgi complexCytoskeletonmitochondriachloroplastVacuolecytosollysosomecentrioleplasma membranecell wallThese are the main organelles. Cell wall and chloroplast are not found in animal cells and centriole and lysosomes are not found in plant cells.

What cell structures are found only in eukaryotic cell?

In the eukaryotic cell it has many membrane bound organelles like mitochondria, golgi apparatus and a nucleus. It could have unicellular organelles and could also have multi cellular organelles.

What three organelles enable eukaryotic cells to move?

Flagella, Cilia. and Microtubules / Microfilaments

What forms the basal bodies of cilia?

Centriole and Microtubules

Why are many mitochodria found in a cell that moves by means of cilia or flagella?

Moving quickly with flagella or cilia takes a lot of energy, and mitochondria provide this energy.

What are the two rod shaped bodies by the basis of the cilia?


Which protozoan has cilia that cover their bodies?

Paramecium have cilia that cover their bodies.They belong to phylum Ciliophora of Protozoa in which group ciliate is present.

Why would a cell that moved by means of cilia or flagella require a relatively large number of mitochondria?

Movement of flagella or cilia is a active process.So the energy requirement is high.

What organelles can be seen using a light microscope?

sometimes the nucleus. To see the nucleus, you may have to stain the sample. Plastids (only found in plant cells) are visible too, along with the cell wall, the cell membrane, and the mitochondria.