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Q: What type of character is seen one way story?
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What type of character is only seen one way?

A one dimensional character or a "flat" character

What type of character is seen in only one way?

A one dimensional character or a "flat" character

Which of these is a type of character that exhibits only one or two qualities or traits and is less important to the story?

Flat Character

What type of character changes as a result of the event of the story?

A dynamic character is one who changes as a result of the events of the story. This change can be in attitude, beliefs, behavior, or other aspects of their character. Dynamic characters are often central to the development and resolution of the story.

What does it mean by Writing an account on the story from the point view of one of the characters?

Point of View means which character is speaking or thinking. You write an account by writing what that character would have seen/heard/felt during the story.

What is a progtagonist?

A protagonist is the main character in a story, typically the one who experiences the most significant character development or drives the central conflict of the plot. They are usually seen as the hero or the character the audience is meant to relate to or root for.

What is a static character?

a type of character which doesn't change during the course of a story

How can you tell a main character is a main character?

The main character, or protagonist, is the one the story's about. The character who is in most of the scenes -- or talked about the most -- will be the main character.

Who was the focal character in the story?

In a literary work the focal character is usually the main protagonist of the story, however, if the focal character is not the protagonist then he/she is the focal point, the person that the reader is to focus on and to which the story revolves around. One famous example of a focal character would be in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" in which the main protagonist is Nick Carraway in which the story is seen through his prospective, however the focus of the story is on the titular character, Jay Gatsby.

Cara is reading a story that shares the perspective of William the main character. Which type of narrator does this describe?

This describes a first-person narrator. In this type of narration, the story is told from the perspective of one character (in this case, William) using pronouns like "I" and "me."

Which type of character exhibits only one or two qualities or traits and is less important to the story?

A flat character is a type of character that exhibits only one or two qualities or traits and is less important to the story. Flat characters are often used to provide background or contrast to main characters and to help advance the plot.

What type of narrator focuses on just one character using he or she?

A third-person limited narrator focuses on just one character using he or she. This type of narrator provides insights into the thoughts and feelings of that specific character while remaining external to the story.