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Lucy (Australopithicus afarensis) is an example of an early hominid that roamed the Rift Valley area of Africa some 4 to 2.7 million years ago.

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Q: What type of early human was Lucy?
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What type of human is Lucy?

Lucy was an Australopithicine.

Why was Lucy the early human named Lucy?

because the team who found Lucy was having a party for their discovery and the song that they were listening to was called "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" by the Beatles

Is homo-sapiens the Latin name for human beings?

As far as i know, i dont think it is the latin name but it is one of the "spieces" of early human beings that were on this earthbefore us. AKA "lucy" that was found was a early human being

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Why is Lucy important?

Lucy is important because she represents a significant discovery in the field of paleoanthropology. As one of the most complete early hominin fossils ever found, Lucy provides important insights into human evolution and our understanding of the common ancestors shared between humans and apes. Her discovery has helped shape our knowledge of how and when early hominins adapted to walking upright.

How do you describe the importance of Lucy's discovery?

Lucy's discovery of the Australopithecus afarensis remains was significant because it provided key insights into human evolution. The discovery showed that bipedalism preceded the development of a larger brain, challenging previous ideas about the evolution of early humans. Lucy's remains helped researchers better understand the timeline of human evolution and the characteristics of our ancestors.

Who is Lucy the famous ape?

Lucy is a ape not a human like the scientists believe.

What did Donald C. Johanson and Tom Gray discover in 1974?

Lucy, a fossil found years ago. Lucy(Early Man)

What is the significance of famous fossil Lucy?

Lucy is an early man fossil. She is part of Australopithecus Afarensis. She was named Lucy, because when she was found, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by the Beatles was playing.

Did Lucy the cavewoman Actually exist?

Lucy is the name given to the fossilised remains of an early hominid. The remains exist.

What did Lucy the ape teach us?

Lucy the ape, an Australopithecus afarensis, taught us about early hominid behavior, anatomy, and locomotion. By studying her fossils, scientists have gained insights into the evolutionary history of humans and our ancestors. Lucy's discovery also provided evidence that upright walking evolved before large brains in human evolution.

What was the first human named?

The first human is believed to have been named Adam according to the Bible.