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it is called mechanical energy.

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Q: What type of energy is it when you move a handle or bike pedal and the gears or bike tires keep moving?
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Related questions

What is a automatic transmission?

A transmission that shifts through gears after moving lever to "d" without driver doing anything no clutch pedal

Which pedal in a car is pressed when changing gears?

the clutch pedal

A manual car has gas pedal break pedal and?

The pedal on the left is the clutch. You press it when you are changing gears.

How do you shift gear on motorcycle?

There is a little pedal on the left side by your foot. If you put your foot under it and raise up that will shift through the gears. You have to hold the clutch in between gears though. The clutch is usually on the left handle bar and looks like the brake. To down shift step down on the pedal while holding the clutch in.

What in a stickshift car to the left of the foot-brake pedal and push you down to shift gears?

The clutch pedal.

How come gas pedal don't shift gears?

Because the gas pedal controls fuel to the motor. It does not interact directly with the transmission.

What is the difference between a gear and brake?

A brake shows the car/bike down until it comes to a hult/stop. A gear changes the speed the engine works at depending on what type of road you are driving on and the speed limits. If you are asking about a bike then the gear's change the speed at which you pedal at, gear 7 on a bike makes you pedal slower but you have to push harder down on the pedals, however gear 1 on a bike makes you have to pedal faster and more genitally on the pedals, - both gears really work your muscles... so if you have a bike with gears up to 7 stay on 3 or 4! Gear box = what you use to change the gears on a car. Handle bar = what you use to change the gears on a bike.

What is the device that a driver presses before changing gears in a car that has a standard transmission?

Clutch pedal

Why is there no gear change level on a scooter?

Because there is no need to. Why put gears on a scooter if you push not pedal?!

What 10 mechanical objects do you use everyday?

Clocks, Foot operated pedal bin, Bicycle (brakes, gears, levers), Scissors, Bicycle pump, Door handle, Hand whisk, Ballpoint pen, Salt and pepper grinders. Hope this helps.

Why will the gears not engage and the cluch pedal is soft on a vauxhall vectra 2.0 16v?

probably the clutch cylinder is gone :(

What is the use of a crutch on manual car?

Hi, i guess you were meaning "clutch". The clutch pedal in a manual car is situated on the left-side of the break pedal. It is pressed down when shifting gears.