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When you are inoculated for MMR, your body develops antibodies to Measles, Mumps and Rubella. The antibodies help you resist those diseases.

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Q: What type of immunity occurs when a person receives the MMR vaccination?
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Who recovers more quickly from the flu someone who had a flu shot or someone who had no flu shot and why?

After a person receives a vaccination the bodies immunity system starts to prepare antibodies hence the person with a flu shot has greater chances of fighting aganist the disease

Does active immunity involve a person becoming immune to a pathogen as a result of having a disease?

by vaccination

What condition is acquired temporarily when a person receives antibodies from an outside source?

Passive immunity

Which condition is acquired temporarily when a person receives antibodies from a outside source?

passive immunity

Which condition is acquired temporarily when a person receives anti-bodies from an outside source?

passive immunity

When a person receives an immunization or vaccine with killed or weakend organisms the result is natural active immunity?


What is the difference between natural immunity and acquired immunity?

Naturally acquired immunity occurs through contact with a disease causing agent, when the contact was not deliberate, whereas artificially acquired immunity develops only through deliberate actions such as vaccination. they are both immunitys

Why should booster vaccination be given?

Booster vaccinations are given to stimulate the immune response and allow an animal or person to have continued immunity without having to go through the whole vaccination process again.

When a person receives a flu vaccination does he develop active or passive immunity?

Active. Foreign microbes, or parts of microbes, are introduced to the body and the immune system reacts and produces antibodies. The antibodies were made in reaction to a foreign body introduced into the body, so it's active. Passive is when the antibodies are given directly to the person, such as from mother to child in pregnancy.

What is the acts or practice of inoculating someone with vaccine as a protection against disease?

The act or practice of inoculating someone with a vaccine as a protection against disease is called a vaccination. This is used to build immunity to specific diseases that could be detrimental to society and to the person who is not vaccinated.

Which person most likely will fail to develop active immunity following vaccination?

hepatitis B immune globulin 2 months ago and MMR vaccine given today

What is naturally acquired immunity?

Naturally acquired active immunity means that you have contracted the disease and your body has developed immune defenses against the disease. An example if when a person gets Chickenpox- the body has memory cells which functions to produce an immune response when it recognizes the same virus later on. The immunity for chicken pox is usually lifetime.