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homeowners insurance

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Q: What type of insurance covers a water main break upstairs that floods the downstairs portion of a house?
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What portion or category of my car insurance covers a broken car window?

visit for all your covers related problem.

What kind of insurance covers you running over someone's mailbox?

That would be under a collision insurance. The property damage portion would pay for the mailbox.

If a tree fell on your car at work who pays?

Your auto insurance will cover the damage to your vehicle if you have comprehensive coverage. The Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance covers damage resulting from an act of nature.

Can you claim on insurance for undeclared jewelry?

No, your home insurance policy will only provide coverage for property that is scheduled for coverage. The unscheduled contents coverage portion only covers furnishings and fixtures.

What are some benefits of having a premier insurance?

The benefits of an insurance are: 1. The insurance covers accidents 2. The insurance covers medical needs. 3. The insurance covers thefts. 4. The insurance covers a lot of other things and it can save you money.

What does disability insurance generally cover?

Disability insurance covers any loses in income that one may experience while recovering from injuries and illnesses. Insurance will replace some portion of worker's income during these periods of time.

If damages were paid by another's insurance co can I submit later and collect from my insurance co for same damages?

Only for the unpaid portion of the first insurance policy. For example, if the first policy covers 80% following a $500 deductable, you can file for the remaining 20% and the deductable on your insurance policy.

What Florida homeowners insurance covers felons?

Homeowners Insurance Covers your Property. Not criminal activities

Does home owners insurance cover car running over animal?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance covers your Home. Your car Insurance covers you vehicle.

Whose insurance covers items stolen from a company vehicle at home?

I think that your insurance covers the items that were yours that were stolen, and the company's covers the car damage.

Should homeowners insurance cover cars in garage fire?

No, unfortunately it does not. Your homeowners insurance covers damage to your home. Your auto insurance covers damage to your car.

What cosmetic implant covers the portion of the eye?
