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Positively charged ions are formed by losing electrons. In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are equal. If an atom loses an electron, it then contains one more proton than electrons. Since protons have a positive charge, the atom becomes an ion with a 1+ charge.

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Q: What type of ions positive or negavie are formed by losing electrons?
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What are formed by atoms losing electrons?

Positive ions.

When electrons are lost from an atom what type of ions are formed?

Losing an electron makes an atom take on a positive charge, therefore it becomes a cation, or a positive ion.

Positive ions usually form from?

Usually, negative ions are formed by losing of electrons from the atom. Due to which, that atom get positively charged( due to having more number of protons than electrons).

Can chemical bonds be produced by losing electrons losing nuetrons transferring electrons sharing electrons or gaining electrons?

Chemical bonds can be only produced by gaining, losing or sharing electrons. If a compound is formed by losing or gaining electrons, it is called an ionic bond and if by sharing electrons, it is called a covalent bond.

How does a material acquire a positive electric charge?

By losing electrons.

When atoms gain or lose electrons we call the resulting atom an ion. What are the two different types of ions and how are they formed?

Positive & Negative; caused by losing and gaining an electron.

Do metals form positive ions by gaining electons?

No - by losing electrons

How does an atom achieve a positive charge?

by loosing one or more electrons then it is an ion

What does chemically joined mean?

Atoms form bonds by sharing electrons or gaining or losing electrons to other atoms.For example:Carbon forms bonds by sharing four electrons with other atoms.Sodium forms bonds by losing an electron to another atom - that makes sodium positive and the atom such as chlorine that gains the electron positive - so a bond is formed.Chemically joined means that bonds are formed between atoms.

When metals form ions they tend to do so by?

When metals form ions, they tend to do so by losing their electrons to gain a positive charge. Losing negatively charged electrons causes the metals to become more positive due to having more protons.

How is a negitive ion formed?

An positive ion (cation) is formed by removing electron(s) from an atom or group of atoms. Only metals form positive ions - this ability (to lose electrons) is intrinsic to the nature of metals.

What is an atom with a charge and can be formed by gaining or losing electrons?

well i think its an ion