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high-carbohydrate meal taken within 15 minutes

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Q: What type of meal and time of its ingestion promote the most rapid repletion of glycogen stores after physical activity?
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Which of the following is not a characteristic of caffeine used in physical activity?

It slows depletion of muscle glycogen Nutrition 200~jm~

What happens to a muscle cell during intense physical activity?

During intense physical activity, glycogen; which is energy stored in muscle cells, is used during intense muscle contractions.

How does cardiovascular fitness affect insulin action in the body?

When you do cardiovascular fitness, muscle glycogen gets used up. When your body works to restore the glycogen your insulin action is heightened. Any type of physical activity makes your insulin action work better.

What factors influence the body's use of protein during physical activity?

Body temperature influences the body's use of glucose. When the body temperature is raised, glucose is turned into glycogen.

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What are the five stages of physical activity?

1.Pre-contimplation (Not considering physical activity) 2. Contemplation (Considering Physical activity) 3. Preparation (Taking steps to prepare for physical activity) 4. Action (Performing physical activity) 5. Maintenance (Performing physical activity on a regular basis)

Physical activity that starts with the letter a?

A physical activity is aerobics.

What is A lifelong physical activity is?

any physical activity that you enjoy and can do now and for the rest of your life.

What is the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness?

The relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular activity is that physical activity changes body organs, which results in improved cardiovascular fitness. hope this helps :)

Is the only way your body can store energy from food is in the form of body fat?

False. Your body can store energy from food for future use in two ways: 1) as fat and 2) as muscle fuel (called glycogen). Its first priority is to fill its glycogen tanks, because glycogen is the body's primary source of energy for physical activity. Once your glycogen stores are filled and the rest of the body's energy needs are covered, all the extra energy from your food will be stored as body fat.

Is Glycogen stored in the blood?

Glycogen is formed by the liver from glucose in the bloodstream and is stored in the liver; conversion of glucose to glycogen (glycogenesis) and hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis) together are the usual mechanism for maintenance of normal levels of blood sugar. Glycogen is also produced by and stored in muscle cells; during short periods of strenuous activity, energy is released in the muscles by direct conversion of glycogen to lactic acid. During normal activity, energy is released by metabolic oxidation of glucose to lactic acid. However the amount of glycogen stored in the body, especially within the red blood cells, liver & muscles, mostly depends on physical training, basal metabolic rate and eating habits. Small amounts of glycogen are found in the kidneys, and even smaller amounts in certain glial cells in the brain and white blood cells. The uterus also stores glycogen during pregnancy to nourish the embryo.