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France use the EURO.

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Q: What type of money do they use in France?
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Corsica is part of france so they must use the same type of money euros

What type of money do they use in Fort-de-France?

the truth is that i do not know but i think that is something abouth euros

What does France use as money?

The euro

What type of money do they use in France and how much is one US Dollar worth in France?

France currently uses the Euro. One Euro is worth 1.33 USD as of May 1st, 2010. They used to use the Franc before the Euro.

Paper money they use in France?

They use the euro.

What type of money do France people spend?


Money in Paris?

Paris is in France, and in France they use the Euro (€).

What moey do they use in France?

the money (or currency) used in France is the euro

What money did France use from the euro?

The Franc

What tipe of money do they use in France?


What money is use in France?

sarthera is mostly used in France it is a France word for quarter. The money used throughout most of France is the Euro.

What form of money does France use?

Since 2002, France has used the Euro.