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In the early to mid 90's all manufacturers were forced to convert to 134A

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Q: What type of refrigerant does a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire take?
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Where are the sparkplugs on a 1999 Pontiac sunfire?

on the engine. Your best bet is to take it to the shop if you cannot locate them. Sorry

How do you stop vibrations to the front of 1999 Pontiac Sunfire when ac is on?

Take a look at the belt that's driving it when the ac is on.

Where can I find the radiator on a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire?

Most likely in the front? Might be covered by a plastic cover so you'll have to take that off to get at it.

What kind of refrigerant does a 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix SE take?

all newer vehicles take r134a refrigerant.

What is the cost of a replacing a distributor cap on a Pontiac sunfire?

What it will cost you to replace the distributor cap on a Pontiac Sunfire will vary depending on if you do it yourself or if you take it to a garage. The cost can be over $100 if you take your car to a garage.

Need to take off the valves on a Pontiac 1999 sunfire convertible?

This is a pretty big job. Pick up a Haynes or Chilton manual for the car. It will show and tell what you need to do.

How do you replace a timing chain on a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire?

You can replace a timing chain on a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire by visiting a local mechanic and having him take care of it for you. This is a tricky part to change yourself.

What kind of transmission fluid does a 1995 Pontiac Sunfire take?

Dexron III ATF.

How do you change a water pump on a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire?

Take it out and put a new one in!

How do you replace the back glass on a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire?

For the sake of safety and for avoiding any leaks, I highly recommend that you take it to a professional. It's not normally REAL expensive to have it done. FriPilot

Where do I find flasher fuse for a 1999 Pontiac sunfire?

For the 2002 it was way up under the dash board on the driverside. We had to take the dash off to get to it. Ask at auto zone... they helped us.

What kind of oil does a 1999 sunfire 2.2l take?
