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Q: What type of rice floats in milk the longest?
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Which cereal absorbs the most amount of milk?

Cereals are full of pores. These pores are empty spaces, therefore, allowing the milk to enter into the cereal. It is similar to the absorption of water by a sponge. Cereals are full of pores. These pores are empty spaces, therefore, allowing the milk to enter into the cereal. It is similar to the absorption of water by a sponge. Same thing with the paper towl

Are there any espresso machines that can use soy milk rather than cow's milk?

You can froth pretty much any type of milk, including soy milk and rice milk in any machine.

What type of paper when made into a paper boat floats longest?

I would use wax paper because of all the different kinds of paper, its the least absorbant.

Does chocolate milk float?

Depends on the type. Most cheeses will sink but not all.

What type of German candy is Kinder?

Kinder is a German candy made with several key ingredients such as Chocolate, puffed rice, and country milk cream. Each bar has appropriate portions of milk.

What type of calcium product can a child drink who is allergic to cow's milk and peanuts and soybeans?

My daughter is allergic to the protein in cow's milk. She has a severe outbreak of eczema. Though I am fortunate that she is not allergic to soy milk, I give her almond milk (may not work with your child's peanut allergy) and rice milk. My allergist said that rice milk is just sugar water, but I read the label and it appeared about as nutritious as the other "fakes." If your child does not have a severe reaction to cow's milk, you can also try goat milk available at Walmart. I didn't think it tasted as good as the almond, soy, or rice milk, but my daughter has not yet had a reaction to it. When used in cereal or as chocolate milk, she doesn't seem to mind the taste.

What is the type of wood that floats the best?


What type of salt can floats an egg?

sea salt

How do you get sago?

Sago is a type of rice pudding. To cook sago, you bring a saucepan of milk to the boil. Pour in the sago, stir and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes, until the rice is soft. Sweeten to taste and add strawberry jam if desired.

In around 2000BC the Chinese invented what type of food that was a mixture of milk rice and paste with snow?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's ice cream.