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Q: What type of solid waste not go to a landfill?
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What type of solid waste does not go to a landfill?


What kind of solid waste goes to a landfill?

Plastic bottles go into the landfills.

Why can solid waste be left in piles at landfill site?

Solid Waste would be left in piles at a landfill site because solids aren't recyclable, so they therefore go to the land fill site like many other things.

Where does your waste product from your house go?

If your not recycling, then usually to the landfill, or if it is from a toilet (etc), the sewer.

What happen to waste that cant be recycled?

Thay go to a landfill site and get crushed They got to a landfillsite and get crushed

Where does the solid waste go?

Solid waste also refers to excrement, which goes into the sewer system (or into a septic tank).

Where does Hawaiian garbage go?

On Oahu a lot of it is incenerated in waste to energy plants, the ashes and unburnables are then brought to a landfill on the leeward side. This landfill is overflowing, so talks are underway to ship trash to the mainland. On the other islands i believe waste goes to local landfills.

Where do most of your solid wastes go?

in waste plants or the sewer

What does the company Red Bag Solutions do?

Red Bag Solutions is a company that specializes dealing with medical waste. Some waste can be recycled into reusable material. Other waste is treated so it is safe enough to go into a landfill.

Would it be possible to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill?

Yes, you need to compost organic vegetable waste, and recycle all metal, glass, paper and plastic. This should leave very little waste to go into landfill. You could also sort out all the unnecessary packaging that shops wrap things in and take this back to the shop and hand it back to them (do this firmly but politely), if enough people did this (leaving them the problem of what to do with all the waste in their shops) they would of necessity begin to address the packaging waste issue. It is easier to eliminate waste at source than at the end of the chain.

Where does rubbish go when the landfill is full?

They make a new landfill and start to put the rubbish there.

What does anu mean?

The back side we excrete or let go our solid waste or bowel movement